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Английский язык с М. Муркоком 16 страница

magician [mq`GIS(q)n] accepted [qk`septId] origin [`OrIGIn]

These bodies were found by the servants of a magician who, in return for Mag-an-Mag's services against his enemies, offered to put back his limbs and make him as good as new. Mag-an-Mag had accepted on condition that the sorcerer find Jhakor-Neelus a new head. The sorcerer had agreed and furnished Jhakor-Neelus with the head of a crane, which seemed to please everyone. The pair then went on to fight the sorcerer's enemies and leave the island loaded down with his gifts.

Corum could find no origin for this legend in the knowledge of his own folk. It did not seem to fit with the others.

At first he dismissed his obsession with the legend (сначала он гнал от себя навязчивую мысль о легенде; to dismiss — освобождать, распускать; выбрасывать из головы; obsession — одержимость /желанием и т.д./, навязчивая идея) as being fired by his own wish to get back the hand and the eye he had lost, but he remained obsessed (как вызванную собственным желанием вернуть руку и глаз, /которые/ он потерял, но он оставался одержимым /этой мыслью/; to fire — поджигать; воодушевлять, воспламенять). Feeling embarrassed by his own interest (чувствуя неловкость от своего увлечения; to feel embarrassed — чувствовать неловкость, стесняться), he said nothing of the legend to Rhalina for several weeks (он ничего не говорил Ралине о легенде в течение нескольких недель).

Autumn came to Moidel's Castle and with it a warm wind (осень пришла в замок Мойдел, а вместе с ней — теплый ветер) that stripped the trees bare and lashed the sea against the rocks (который раздевал деревья догола = срывал всю листву, разбивал море о скалы; to strip — раздевать, обнажать; сдирать; to lash — хлестать, сильно ударять) and drove many of the birds away to seek a more restful clime (и заставлял большую часть птиц искать более спокойный край; to drive away — прогонять, рассеивать; clime — край, сторона; климат).

And Corum began to spend more and more time in the room (Корум начал проводить все больше и больше времени в зале) where hung the tapestry concerning Mag-an-Mag and the wonderful sorcerer (где висел гобелен о Маг-ан-Маге и удивительном чародее). Corum began to realise that it was the text that chiefly interested him (Корум начал осознавать, что именно текст особенно заинтересовал его; chiefly — главным образом, особенно). It seemed to speak with an authority that was elsewhere lacking in the others he had seen (казалось, он гласил с авторитетом = в нем была достоверность, которой не хватало остальным /преданиям/, что он видел; authority — авторитет, вес, влияние; to be lacking — отсутствовать, недоставать; elsewhere — где-то в другом месте; где-нибудь еще).

autumn [`Ltqm] chiefly [`CJflI] authority [L`TOrItI] elsewhere [`els`weq]

At first he dismissed his obsession with the legend as being fired by his own wish to get back the hand and the eye he had lost, but he remained obsessed. Feeling embarrassed by his own interest, he said nothing of the legend to Rhalina for several weeks.

Autumn came to Moidel's Castle and with it a warm wind that stripped the trees bare and lashed the sea against the rocks and drove many of the birds away to seek a more restful clime.

And Corum began to spend more and more time in the room where hung the tapestry concerning Mag-an-Mag and the wonderful sorcerer. Corum began to realise that it was the text that chiefly interested him. It seemed to speak with an authority that was elsewhere lacking in the others he had seen.

But he still could not bring himself to tax Rhalina with questions concerning it (но он по-прежнему не мог заставить себя обременить Ралину вопросами, связанными с этим /текстом/; to bring — приносить, доставлять; заставлять, убеждать /сделать что-либо/; to tax — облагать налогом; чрезмерно напрягать, утомлять).

Then, on one of the first days of winter (затем, в один из первых дней зимы), she sought for him and found him in the room and she did not seem surprised (она искала Корума и обнаружила его в том зале, и, казалось, не удивилась; to seek). However, she did show a certain concern (тем не менее, она выказала некоторое беспокойство), as if she had feared that he would find the tapestry sooner or later (словно опасалась, что он найдет этот гобелен раньше или позже).

`You seem absorbed by the amusing adventures of Mag-an-Mag (кажется, тебя поглотили занимательные приключения Маг-ан-Мага),' she said. `They are only tales (они — всего лишь сказки). Something to entertain us (нечто = истории, чтобы развлекать нас).'

`But this one seems different (но эта кажется другой),' Corum said.

He turned to look at her (он повернулся, чтобы посмотреть на нее). She was biting her lip (она кусала губы).

amusing [q`mjHzIN] adventures [qd`venCqz] entertain [,entq`teIn]

But he still could not bring himself to tax Rhalina with questions concerning it.

Then, on one of the first days of winter, she sought for him and found him in the room and she did not seem surprised. However, she did show a certain concern, as if she had feared that he would find the tapestry sooner or later.

`You seem absorbed by the amusing adventures of Mag-an-Mag,' she said. `They are only tales. Something to entertain us.'

`But this one seems different,' Corum said.

He turned to look at her. She was biting her lip.

`So it is different, Rhalina (значит, она не такая /как все/, Ралина),' Corum murmured (прошептал Корум). `You do know something about it (ты действительно знаешь что-то о ней)!'

She began to shake her head, then changed her mind (она начала /отрицательно/ качать головой, потом передумала; to change mind — передумать, изменить решение). `I know only what the old tales say (я знаю лишь /то/, что говорят старые сказки). And the old tales are lies, are they not (а старые сказки — ложь, не так ли)? Pleasing lies (приятная ложь).'

`Truth is somewhere in this tale, I feel (правда /таится/ где-то в этой сказке, я чувствую). You must tell me what you know, Rhalina (ты должна рассказать мне, что ты знаешь, Ралина).'

`I know more than is on this tapestry (я знаю больше, чем /написано/ на этом гобелене),' she said quietly (сказала она тихо). `I have been lately reading a book that relates to it (я недавно читала книгу, которая имеет отношение к этому). I knew I had seen the book some years ago and I sought it out (я знала = вспомнила, /что/ видела эту книгу несколько лет назад, и я отыскала ее). I find quite recent reports concerning an island of the kind described (я нашла довольно свежие сведения, касающиеся острова, вроде описанного /в сказке/; recent — недавний, последний; новый; report — отчет, доклад, сообщение). And there is, according to this book, an old castle there (и там, согласно этой книге, находится старый замок). The last person to see that island was an emissary of the Duchy (последним, кто видел тот остров, был эмиссар герцогства /Лиум-ан-Эс/), sailing here with supplies and greetings (приплывавший сюда с запасами /продовольствия/ и приветствиями; supply — снабжение, поставка; припасы, продовольствие). And that was the last emissary to visit us (и это был последний эмиссар, который посетил нас)…'

report [rI`pLt] recent [`rJs(q)nt] emissary [`emIs(q)rI]

`So it is different, Rhalina,' Corum murmured. `You do know something about it!'

She began to shake her head, then changed her mind. `I know only what the old tales say. And the old tales are lies, are they not? Pleasing lies.'

`Truth is somewhere in this tale, I feel. You must tell me what you know, Rhalina.'

`I know more than is on this tapestry,' she said quietly. `I have been lately reading a book that relates to it. I knew I had seen the book some years ago and I sought it out. I find quite recent reports concerning an island of the kind described. And there is, according to this book, an old castle there. The last person to see that island was an emissary of the Duchy, sailing here with supplies and greetings. And that was the last emissary to visit us…'

`How long ago (как давно /это случилось/)? How long ago?'

`Thirty years (тридцать лет /назад/).'

And then Rhalina began to weep and shake her head (потом Ралина начала плакать, качать головой) and cough and try to control her tears (кашлять и попыталась унять слезы; to control — управлять; сдерживать).

He embraced her (он обнял ее).

`Why do you weep, Rhalina (почему ты плачешь, Ралина)?

`I weep, Corum, because this means you will leave me (я плачу, Корум, потому что это значит, /что/ ты покинешь меня). You will go away from Moidel's Castle in the wintertime (ты уйдешь из замка Мойдел зимой: «в зимнее время») and you will seek that island and perhaps you, too, will be wrecked (и будешь искать тот остров и, возможно, ты тоже потерпишь кораблекрушение). I weep because nothing I love stays with me (я плачу, потому что ничего, /что/ я люблю, не остается со мной = любимые люди всегда уходят).'

Corum took a step back (Корум сделал шаг назад).

cough [kOf] island [`aIlqnd] wrecked [rekt]

`How long ago? How long ago?'

`Thirty years.'

And then Rhalina began to weep and shake her head and cough and try to control her tears.

He embraced her.

`Why do you weep, Rhalina?

`I weep, Corum, because this means you will leave me. You will go away from Moidel's Castle in the wintertime and you will seek that island and perhaps you, too, will be wrecked. I weep because nothing I love stays with me.'

Corum took a step back.

`Has this thought been long in your mind (долга ли эта мысль находится в твоем уме = не дает тебе покоя)?'

`It has been long in my mind.'

`And you have not spoken it (и ты не высказала ее; to speak).'

`Because I love you so much, Corum (потому что я так сильно люблю тебя, Корум).'

`You should not love me, Rhalina (тебе не следует любить меня, Ралина). And I should not have allowed myself to love you (а мне не следовало позволять себе любить = влюбиться в тебя). Though this island offers me the faintest of hopes, I must seek it out (хотя этот остров дает мне самую слабую из надежд, я должен отыскать его; to offer — предлагать, преподносить; faint — слабый, недостаточный, незначительный).'

`I know (я знаю).'

`And if I find the sorcerer and he gives me back my hand and eye (а если я найду колдуна и он вернет мне мои руку и глаз)…'

`Madness, Corum (безумие, Корум)! He cannot exist (он не может существовать)!'

allowed [q`laud] though [Dqu] exist [Ig`zIst]

`Has this thought been long in your mind?'

`It has been long in my mind.'

`And you have not spoken it.'

`Because I love you so much, Corum.'

`You should not love me, Rhalina. And I should not have allowed myself to love you. Though this island offers me the faintest of hopes, I must seek it out.'

`I know.'

`And if I find the sorcerer and he gives me back my hand and eye…'

`Madness, Corum! He cannot exist!'

`But if he does and if he can do what I ask (но если он существует и если он может сделать /то/, что я попрошу), then I will go to find Glandyth-a-Krae and I will kill him (тогда я отправлюсь, чтобы найти = на поиски Гландита-а-Краэ и убью его). Then, if I live, I will return (затем, если /останусь/ жив, я вернусь). But Glandyth must die before I can know complete peace of mind, Rhalina (но Гландит должен умереть, прежде чем я смогу познать = обрести абсолютное спокойствие духа).'

She said softly (она сказала тихо; softly — мягко, нежно; тихо, спокойно): `There is no boat that is seaworthy (/у нас/ нет никакого судна, годного для плавания).'

`But there are boats in the harbour caves that can be made seaworthy (но в пещерах гавани находятся суда, которые можно сделать пригодными для мореплавания).'

`It will take several months to make one so (это займет несколько месяцев, /чтобы сделать судно таким/).'

`Will you lend me your servants to work on the boat (ты дашь мне своих слуг для работы над кораблем = мне в помощь; to lend — одалживать; давать на время)?'


`Then I will speak to them at once (тогда я поговорю с ними прямо сейчас; at once — сразу, немедленно).'

complete [kqm`plJt] seaworthy [`sJ,wq:DI] harbour [`hRbq] several [`sev(q)rql]

`But if he does and if he can do what I ask, then I will go to find Glandyth-a-Krae and I will kill him. Then, if I live, I will return. But Glandyth must die before I can know complete peace of mind, Rhalina.'

She said softly: `There is no boat that is seaworthy.'

`But there are boats in the harbour caves that can be made seaworthy.'

`It will take several months to make one so.'

`Will you lend me your servants to work on the boat?'


`Then I will speak to them at once.'

And Corum left her, hardening his heart to the sight of her grief (и Корум покинул ее, ожесточая свое сердце к виду ее горя = стараясь превозмочь сердцем вид ее горя; to harden — делать/ся/ твердым, закаляться; to harden one`s heart — ожесточать/ся/, стать бессердечным), blaming himself for letting himself fall in love with the woman (виня себя в /том/, что позволил себе влюбиться в эту женщину).

With all the men he could muster who had some knowledge of ship craft (со всеми людьми, которых он мог собрать, имевших какое-либо представление о судах; ship — корабль; craft — морское, речное судно), Corum descended the steps that led from below the castle floor (Корум спустился по лестнице, что вела с нижнего этажа замка; from below — снизу, из-под; to lead down — вести, спускаться; floor — пол, настил; этаж) down through the rock to the sea caves where the ships lay (через скалу к морским пещерам, где суда стояли). He found one skiff that was in better repair than the others (он нашел один ялик, который был в лучшем состоянии, чем остальные; skiff — ялик /небольшая плоскодонная гребная лодка/; in good repair — в исправном состоянии) and he had it hauled upright and inspected (и велел поставить его стоймя и внимательно осмотреть; to haul — тащить, тянуть; upright — вертикально, прямо).

Rhalina had been right (Ралина была права). There was a great deal of work to be done (много работы требовалось проделать; a great deal — много, значительное количество) before the skiff would safely ride the waters (прежде чем ялик сможет безопасно выйти в море; to ride — ехать; плавно перемещаться; плыть, скользить; waters — воды, море; to ride the waves — скользить по волнам).

descended [dI`sendId] craft [krRft] hauled [hLld]

And Corum left her, hardening his heart to the sight of her grief, blaming himself for letting himself fall in love with the woman.

With all the men he could muster who had some knowledge of ship craft, Corum descended the steps that led from below the castle floor down through the rock to the sea caves where the ships lay. He found one skiff that was in better repair than the others and he had it hauled upright and inspected.

Rhalina had been right. There was a great deal of work to be done before the skiff would safely ride the waters.

He would wait impatiently, though now that he had a goal — no matter how wild (он будет ждать с нетерпением, хотя теперь, когда у него есть цель — неважно, насколько необдуманная/рискованная) — he began to feel a lessening of the weight that had been upon him (он начал чувствовать уменьшение бремени, что было на нем = навалилось на него; lessening — уменьшение, спад; облегчение; weight — вес; масса; бремя, тяжесть).

He knew that he would never tire of loving Rhalina (он знал, что никогда не перестанет любить Ралину; to tire of — уставать от, терять интерес к), but that he could never love her completely until his self-appointed task had been accomplished (но /он знал также/, что никогда не сможет полюбить ее совершенно = по-настоящему, пока не выполнит поставленную перед собой задачу; self-appointed — назначивший сам себя; task — задача, задание, дело; to accomplish — выполнять; доводить до конца).

He rushed back to the library to consult the book she had mentioned (он бросился назад в библиотеку, чтобы свериться с книгой, /которую/ она упоминала; to consult — советоваться, справляться /где-либо о чем-либо/). He found it and discovered that the name of the island was Svi-an-Fanla-Brool (он нашел ее и узнал, что название того острова — Сви-ан-Фанла-Брул).

Svi-an-Fanla-Brool. Not a pleasant name (не особенно приятное название). As far as Corum could make out it meant Home of the Gorged God (насколько Корум смог понять, оно означало «Жилище прожорливого бога»; to make out — разобрать; различить, понять; to gorge — жрать, есть с жадностью). What could that mean (что бы это могло значить)? He inspected the text for an answer, but found none (он внимательно изучил текст, чтобы найти ответ, но не нашел /никакого/; to find).

impatiently [Im`peIS(q)ntlI] task [tRsk] discovered [dIs`kAvqd] answer [`Rnsq]

He would wait impatiently, though now that he had a goal — no matter how wild — he began to feel a lessening of the weight that had been upon him.

He knew that he would never tire of loving Rhalina, but that he could never love her completely until his self-appointed task had been accomplished.

He rushed back to the library to consult the book she had mentioned. He found it and discovered that the name of the island was Svi-an-Fanla-Brool.

Svi-an-Fanla-Brool. Not a pleasant name. As far as Corum could make out it meant Home of the Gorged God. What could that mean? He inspected the text for an answer, but found none.

The hours passed as he copied out the charts and reference points (часы прошли, пока он копировал карты и ориентиры; reference point — ориентир, точка отсчета, опорная точка) given by the captain of the ship that had visited Moidel's Mount thirty years before (оставленные капитаном корабля, который посетил Гору Мойдел тридцать лет назад). And it was very late when he sought his bed and found Rhalina there (было очень поздно, когда он отыскал /в темноте/ свою постель и обнаружил там Ралину).

He looked down at her face (он наклонился и посмотрел в ее лицо). She had plainly wept herself to sleep (она, /совершенно/ очевидно, плакала до тех пор, пока не уснула).

He knew that it was his turn to offer her comfort (он знал, что была его очередь предложить ей утешение = утешить ее).

But he had no time (но у него не было времени)...

He undressed (он разделся). He placed himself into the bed (он поместил себя в постель = тихо лег в постель), between the silks and the furs (между шелками и мехами), trying not to disturb her (стараясь не тревожить ее). But she awoke (но она проснулась; to awake).

hour [`auq] reference [`ref(q)rqns] captain [`kxptIn]

The hours passed as he copied out the charts and reference points given by the captain of the ship that had visited Moidel's Mount thirty years before. And it was very late when he sought his bed and found Rhalina there.

He looked down at her face. She had plainly wept herself to sleep.

He knew that it was his turn to offer her comfort.

But he had no time...

He undressed. He placed himself into the bed, between the silks and the furs, trying not to disturb her. But she awoke.


He did not reply (он не ответил).

He felt her body tremble for a moment, but she did not speak again (он чувствовал, как ее тело задрожало на миг, но она не заговорила снова).

He sat up in bed, his mind full of conflict (он сел в постели, его душа была полна противоречий = в смятении; conflict — конфликт, противоречие). He loved her. But he should not love her (но он не должен был любить ее). He tried to settle back, to go to sleep, but he could not (он попытался улечься снова, заснуть, но не смог; to settle — усаживать/ся/, укладывать/ся/, устраивать/ся/).

He reached out and stroked her shoulder (он протянул /руку/ и погладил ее по плечу).


`Yes, Corum?'

reply [rI`plaI] conflict [`kOnflIkt] shoulder [`Squldq]


He did not reply.

He felt her body tremble for a moment, but she did not speak again.

He sat up in bed, his mind full of conflict. He loved her. But he should not love her. He tried to settle back, to go to sleep, but he could not.

He reached out and stroked her shoulder.


`Yes, Corum?'

He took a deep breath, meaning to explain to her (он глубоко вздохнул, собираясь объяснить ей) how strongly he needed to see Glandyth dead (как сильно ему необходимо увидеть Гландита мертвым), to repeat that he should return when his vengeance was taken (повторить, что он вернется, когда отомстит: «его месть исполнится»). Instead he said (вместо /этого/ он сказал):

`Storms blow strongly now around Moidel's Castle (штормы дуют сильно = бушуют сейчас вокруг замка Мойдела). I will set aside my plans until the spring (я отложу мои планы до весны). I will stay until the spring (я останусь до весны).'

She turned in the bed and peered through the darkness at his face (она повернулась в постели и посмотрела сквозь тьму ему в лицо; to peer at — вглядываться, всматриваться).

`You must do as you desire (ты должен поступать, как ты желаешь). Pity destroys true love, Corum (жалость разрушает истинную любовь, Корум).'

`It is not pity that moves me (не жалость движет мной).'

`Is it your sense of justice (твое чувство справедливости)? That, too, is (это тоже)…'

breath [breT] vengeance [`venG(q)ns] pity [`pItI] desire [dI`zaIq] justice [`GAstIs]

He took a deep breath, meaning to explain to her how strongly he needed to see Glandyth dead, to repeat that he should return when his vengeance was taken. Instead he said:

`Storms blow strongly now around Moidel's Castle. I will set aside my plans until the spring. I will stay until the spring.'

She turned in the bed and peered through the darkness at his face.

`You must do as you desire. Pity destroys true love, Corum.'

`It is not pity that moves me.'

`Is it your sense of justice? That, too, is…'

`I tell myself that it is my sense of justice that makes me stay, but I know otherwise (я говорю себе, что это чувство справедливости заставляет меня остаться, но я знаю, что это не так; otherwise — иначе, по-другому; что-либо другое, прот ивоположное).'

`Then why would you stay (тогда почему ты остаешься)?'

`My resolve to go has weakened (моя решимость уйти ослабла; resolve — решимость; намерение).'

`What has weakened it, Corum (что ослабило ее, Корум)?'

`Something quieter in me, yet something, perhaps, that is stronger (что-то тихое во мне, однако /это/ что-то, возможно, сильнее /моей решимости/). It is my love for you, Rhalina (любовь к тебе, Ралина), that has conquered my desire to have immediate revenge on Glandyth (победила мое желание немедленно отомстить Гландиту; to conquer — завоевать, подчинить; побороть; to have revenge on). It is love. That is all I can tell you (это все, /что/ я могу сказать тебе).'

And she began to weep again, but it was not from sorrow (и она заплакала снова, но не от горя).

otherwise [`ADqwaIz] resolve [rI`zOlv] conquered [`kONkqd] immediate [I`mJdIqt]

`I tell myself that it is my sense of justice that makes me stay, but I know otherwise.'

`Then why would you stay?'

`My resolve to go has weakened.'

`What has weakened it, Corum?'

`Something quieter in me, yet something, perhaps, that is stronger. It is my love for you, Rhalina, that has conquered my desire to have immediate revenge on Glandyth. It is love. That is all I can tell you.'

And she began to weep again, but it was not from sorrow.

CHAPTER TEN (глава десятая)

A Thousand Swords (тысяча мечей)

Winter reached its fiercest (зима достигла своей самой лютой /поры/; fierce — жестокий, лютый). The towers seemed to shake with the force of the gales that raged around them (казалось, башни сотрясались под натиском штормовых ветров, что неистовствовали вокруг них; force — сила, влияние; gale — шторм, сильный ветер /от 7 до 10 баллов/; to rage — бушевать, свирепствовать). The seas smashed against the rocks of Moidel's Mount (волны разбивались о скалы Горы Мойдел; sea — море; волна, волнение) and sometimes the waves seemed to rise higher than the castle itself (а иногда, казалось, валы поднимались выше, чем сам замок).

Days became almost as dark as night (дни стали почти такими же темными, как вечер; night — ночь; вечер). Huge fires were lit in the castle (огромные огни зажигались в замке /в каминах/), but they could not keep out the chill that was everywhere (но они не могли не впускать /в помещения/ холод, который был всюду). Wool and leather and fur had to be worn at all times (шерсть, кожа и мех должны были носиться = приходилось носить постоянно: «во все времена»; to wear) and the inhabitants of the castle lumbered about like bears in their thick garments (обитатели замка неуклюже двигались, словно медведи, в своих толстых одеждах).

fierce [fIqs] leather [`leDq] bear [beq] garments [`gRmqnts]

Winter reached its fiercest. The towers seemed to shake with the force of the gales that raged around them. The seas smashed against the rocks of Moidel's Mount and sometimes the waves seemed to rise higher than the castle itself.

Days became almost as dark as night. Huge fires were lit in the castle, but they could not keep out the chill that was everywhere. Wool and leather and fur had to be worn at all times and the inhabitants of the castle lumbered about like bears in their thick garments.

Yet Corum and Rhalina, a man and a woman of alien species (однако Корум и Ралина, мужчина и женщина, /принадлежащие/ к разным видам; alien — иностранный, чужой, несвойственный), hardly noticed the winter's brawling (почти не замечали, как зима бушует; to brawl — ссориться, скандалить; шуметь, галдеть). They sang songs to each other and wrote simple sonnets (они пели песни друг другу и писали несложные сонеты; to sing; to write) concerning the depth and passion of their love (касавшиеся глубины и страсти их любви). It was a madness that was upon them (безумие охватило их) (if madness is that which denies certain fundamental realities (если безумие — это то, что отвергает неизменные основные реалии)) but it was a pleasant madness, a sweet madness (но это было приятное безумие, сладостное безумие). Yet madness it was (тем не менее, это было безумием).

When the worst of the winter had gone (когда наихудшее = самое холодное /время/ зимы прошло), but before spring elected to show herself (но до того, как весна решила показаться), when there was still snow on the rocks below the castle (когда снег еще лежал на скалах внизу замка) and few birds sang in the grey skies above the bare and distant forests of the mainland (и мало птиц пело в серых небесах над голыми и далекими лесами материка); when the sea had exhausted itself and now washed sullen and dark around the cliffs (когда море выдохлось и теперь плескалось печально и мрачно около утесов; to exhaust — истощать/ся/, исчерпывать/ся/; sullen — печальный, мрачный; гнетущий; dark — темный, мрачный; хмурый), that was when the strange Mabden were seen riding out of the black trees in the late morning (/именно/ тогда были увидены странные мабдены, выезжавшие из-за черных деревьев = леса поздним утром), their breath steaming and their horses stumbling on the icy ground (их дыхание клубилось = изо рта у них шел пар, их лошади спотыкались на обледеневшей земле), their harness and their arms rattling (сбруи и оружие позвякивали).

brawling [`brLlIN] fundamental [,fAndq`mentl] exhausted [Ig`zLstId] icy [`aIsI]

Yet Corum and Rhalina, a man and a woman of alien species, hardly noticed the winter's brawling. They sang songs to each other and wrote simple sonnets concerning the depth and passion of their love. It was a madness that was upon them (if madness is that which denies certain fundamental realities) but it was a pleasant madness, a sweet madness. Yet madness it was.

When the worst of the winter had gone, but before spring elected to show herself, when there was still snow on the rocks below the castle and few birds sang in the grey skies above the bare and distant forests of the mainland; when the sea had exhausted itself and now washed sullen and dark around the cliffs, that was when the strange Mabden were seen riding out of the black trees in the late morning, their breath steaming and their horses stumbling on the icy ground, their harness and their arms rattling.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 150 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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