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Translate the newspaper item from English into Russian. Use a dictionary. Crude oil futures received some support from comments by Alvaro Silva, OPEC secretary-general, yesterday

Crude oil futures received some support from comments by Alvaro Silva, OPEC secretary-general, yesterday. Mr. Silva said it was too early to talk of the cartel raising output, as many traders have been expecting, at its September meeting.

'We cannot make a firm prediction of the market situation, especially at this time,' Mr. Silva was quoted by the official OPEC news agency as saying.

This boosted oil futures, which had slipped on Wednesday after the US promised to use caution with Iraq, easing market tensions about an imminent attack. September Brent reached a high of $25.20 a barrel. By the close in London it was trading 16 cents up on the previous close at $25.11 a barrel.

OPEC meets on September 19 in Japan to decide output for the rest of the year, when demand usually increases with the approach of the winter season.

Mr. Silva described his meeting with Russian energy minister Igor Yusufov as 'encouraging'. Russia, the world's second-biggest crude oil exporter after Saudi Arabia, is a key issue for the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

In the past, Moscow has joined forces with OPEC in supply cuts to raise prices. OPEC is concerned that Russia is biting into the cartel's market share.

Newspaper item 32: The Stronger Euro Today

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 202 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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