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Translate the newspaper item from English into Russian. Use a dictionary. President George W. Bush took his message on the economy to the Midwest yesterday, telling a Wisconsin audience he would do whatever it took to ensure the

President George W. Bush took his message on the economy to the Midwest yesterday, telling a Wisconsin audience he would do whatever it took to ensure the economy remained strong.

Mr. Bush sought to strike a positive note, acknowledging that corporate scandals and market turbulence had led to 'a little shaking in our confidence', but he said the fundamental strength of the economy outweighed the challenges.

Mr. Bush said he left Tuesday's economic forum in Waco, Texas, 'confident about our economic future, but not content with the progress we're making'.

Stressing the need for responsibility in Congress at a time when the war on terror and the recession had led to deficits, Mr. Bush said excessive would be a drag on growth.

He claimed he had tried to help' on Tuesday by refusing to release $5. bn (€ 5.2bn) in emergency cash demanded by Congress for homeland security because most of it had been earmarked for other purposes.

On the day the deadline for chief executives to certify their financial statements, Mr. Bush said he had been disappointed in the performance of some, whom he described as liars', who had fudged the books and shaken confidence in the economy. He said corporate reforms sent a 'strong signal' to potential wrongdoers.

Newspaper item 14: Privatisation in Doubt

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 521 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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