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Join the halves of the sentences. Translate them into Russian


1. There's only a form

2. There is no reason

3. There are no calls

4. There are no boring people

5. There were no footprints

6. There are a lot of letters

7. There isn't enough evidence

8. There is no need

9. There is a danger

10. There are lots of ways

a) to answer.

b) to talk to.

c) to fill in.

d) to be written.

e) to hurry.

f) to prove the ease.

g) to be seen.

h) to disbelieve him.

i) to meet people in London.

j) to overorganise the children.

      4 5          


1. There's a taxi 2. There was an oak-tree 3. There was a little boy 4. There's a train 5. There are flames 6. There's somebody's coat 7. There was a kite 8. There were a few people 9. There was a girl 10. There was a revolver   a) water-skiing on the lake. b) coming out of the window. c) lying there among the papers. d)waiting just round the corner. e) flying high above. f) growing at the edge of the lane. g) hurrying home. h) crying for his mother. i) hanging in the hall j) leaving just after 9 o'clock.  

      4 5          


1. There are sheep

2. Look! There's a sign

3. There is a young lady

4. There was a time

5. There are some old shops

6. There was one person

7. There are three reasons

8. There's a starry flower

9. There is a station

10.There's a friend of mine

a) who wants to see you.

b) where you can get trains to London.

c) whose name for the moment escapes me.

d) where you can buy local food.

e) who is coming from London.

f) that says Don't Walk.

g) who suffered from a heart complaint.

h) why we should support this action.

i) when this was true.
j) which eat seaweed instead of grass.


Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 259 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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