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Fill the spaces with correct verb forms and appropriate quantifiers. Each phrase in bold type offers a clue


1. There... champagne. Would you like some?
2. There... eggs in the fridge. You don't need to go shopping.

3. There... bread and cheese — it'll be enough for supper.

4. There... chocolates in the box. I thought it was empty.

5. — Is there any fruit in the house?

— Oh yes, there is some. There … … oranges and … apples.


1. There … … cake left, just a very thin slice.

2. There are hardly any vegetables in the house. There... very... potatoes and only one carrot.

3. There... so... walnuts that I can't give you any.

4. I'll have to make mash with chicken. There... too... rice.

5. Are you going past the grocer’s? There … very … butter and practically no margarine.

Choose either A LITTLE or A FEW for (+); LITTLE or FEW for (-). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. There’s … time for reading. (-)

2. There are … questions I would like to ask (+)

3. Unfortunately, there are … people who understand it. (-)

4. We got home quickly because there was … traffic. (-)

5. There were … cars on the roads at that time of the day. (-)

6. There are … in your paper. Pay attention to your spelling. (+)

7. I’m afraid there is … hope.(-)

8. I enjoy my tea more when there is … honey in it. (+)

9. There were … kids playing in the road. (+)

10. There’s … time before the train leaves. Let’s go and have a drink. (+)

11. There’s been … rain lately; the crops are dying through lack of water. (-)

12. There’s … money left: it should be enough to live on. (+)

13. There were … books in Grandfather’s study. (-)

14. There are … books on the subject in the local library. (+)

15. Don’t you think there’s … salt in the soup? (-)

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 364 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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