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For many years the development of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning as three branches of engineering which are closely connected, was given a major share of attention to. They are connected with providing a required atmospheric environment within a space, heating with respect to heat supply to produce a desired temperature for maintaining comfort, health or efficiency comfort, ventilation with regard to supply and removal of the air; air-conditioning implies the control of temperature, humidity, purity, motion of the air in an enclosure.


Three branches of engineering, to give a major share of attention, to be concerned with supply, to produce a desired temperature, supply and removal of the air, to control temperature, humidity, purity, motion of the air.

9. Add a passage to cover:

1. The achievements of the scientific research in the field of the HPAC modern technology and devices and use the words below as prompts.


To provide for, to build new industrial complexes for producing HPAC equipment, to increase the output of heating units, fans, blowers, economizers, ventilation and air -conditioning systems, to establish stan­dards of maximum comfort, to be installed, packaged units, field - erected boilers, multizonc devices, filters, no factory is possible without, unit air conditioner, window ventilator.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 227 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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