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Exercise 1 Look at the pictures and talk about them

Have you ever done one of the following jobs? Did you enjoy it? Was it well-paid? Which job would you like to do?

  - Being a waiter/waitress in a café or restaurant - Selling ice-creams or hamburgers in the street - Looking after children in a summer camp - Working in a health or sports club - Working in a night club or disco  
Useful phrases
I wouldn’t like…. I wouldn’t mind   I think I’d enjoy I think I’d be (quite) good at…. I’d be terrible at…..

Exercise 2 Discuss the following questions about “Job” in the group.

1. What would you prefer to work by yourself or to work as a part of a team?

2. Do you think that it’s important to be creative?

3. Can you manage large amounts of money?

4. What profession would suit your personality?

5. What is your opinion about the job swapping? Is it easy to your mind? Why?

Exercise 3 Working in pairs and acting out a job interview.

Hiring Manager: Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders.
Applicant: Thank you.
Hiring Manager: What is your age, Mr. Saunders?
Applicant: I’m 20.
Hiring Manager: And what position are you applying for?
Applicant: I’m applying for a position of an interior designer.
Hiring Manager: Tell about yourself.
Applicant: I’m in my final year at the College of Art and Design. And I have two years’ experience working with Artic Advertising Company. I have prepared portfolio with some photos of my works.
Hiring Manager: Well done. And why do you want to work with our company?
Applicant: I’m impressed with your company reputation in the field. And I believe it is the right place where my skills can develop.
Hiring Manager: What personal qualities do you have that would be useful in this job?
Applicant: My colleagues say that I’m reliable, highly organized, hardworking and creative.
Hiring Manager: Great! Are there any questions you would like me to answer?
Applicant: I’d like to know who will be part of my team.
Hiring Manager: There are five interior designers working for our company. All of them are experienced and talented. They will be helpful.
Applicant: Great! When can I start?
Hiring Manager: We’ll let you know in a couple of weeks. Thank you for coming.
Applicant: Thank you.


Gerund and infinitive [1.p138].

Use the Gerund (verb+-ing)
1 after prepositions and phrasal verbs. I’m very good at remembering names. She’s given up smoking
2 as a subject of a sentence Eating out is quite cheap here
3 after some verbs, e.g. hate, spend, don’t mind I don’t mind getting up early
Common verbs which take the gerund include:enjoy, hate, finish, like, love, mind, practice, spend, stop, suggest and phrasal verbs, e.g. give up, go on, etc
Use the Infinitive (+to)
1 after adjectives My flat is easy to find
2 to express a reason or purpose He’s saving money to buy a new car.
3 after some verbs, e.g. want, need, learn She’s never learnt to drive. Try not to make a noise.
Common verbs which take the infinitive (with to)include: (can’t)afford, agree, decide, expect, forget, help, hope, learn, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, remember, seem, try, want, would like
Use the Infinitive (without to)
1 after most modal and auxiliary verbs I can’t drive. We must hurry
2 after make and let My parents don’t let me go out much. She always makesme laugh.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 733 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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