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List of verbs

1. compensate for ___________ 9. establish_______________

2. exhaust _________________ 10. exclude _______________

3. deceive _________________ 11.improve _______________

4. defend __________________ 12. decorate_______________

5. pretend _________________ 13. surrender ______________

6. abolish _________________ 14. support ________________

7. reprimand _______________ 15. assault ________________

8. suppress ________________

Exercise 7. You are going to hear some phrases where three words a linked together. Listen and write down the missing words.

T.7.15 [ 1.p.110.]

1. There is a towel on the floor_____ _____ _____

2. I hate this music _____ ______ _______

3. Your jacket’s on the chair ______ ______ ______

4. You don’t need a coat ______ ______ ______

5. I can’t hear the TV _______ _______ _______

6. Coffee is bad for you ______ ______ _______

Exercise 8 T 3.01. [4, p.94] Read the sentences; if necessary check the meaning of the words.

Then listen what is happening? Match the sentences to the dialogues (1 -7).

a Anactress is changing into hercostume.

b Two opera singers are rehearsing a scene.

c An artist is talkingto his model.

d A dancer is practicing some steps.

e Two stage hands are movingsome scenery.

f A conductor is talkingto hisorchestra.

g A technician istesting the soundand lighting.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 480 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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