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Exercise 12. Write an essay about how to manage your time wisely and correctly

  1. Choose the right variant. I’ve no idea …

a) whose book it is.

b) whose book is it.

c) it is whose book.

d) it is book whose.

  1. Choose the right variant. Choose the right variant. I can’t remember ….. or not.

a) whether posted I your letter

b) posted I your letter whether

c) whether I posted your letter

d) I whether posted your letter

  1. Choose the right variant. Could you tell me …?

a) how long lasts the movie?

b) how long the movie lasts?

c) how lasts long the movie?

d) the movie lasts how long?

  1. Choose the right variant. I’m not sure ….

a) where Aden is situated

b) where is Aden situated

c) where situated Aden is

d) where situated is Aden

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 521 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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