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Exercise 7. Imagine that you are going to the USA for your summer holiday. Make a plan of your activities and make a discussion about them with your partner

Exercise 7. Listen to Richard Hillman- a representative of Student Services, he will give some information about free time activities on a university campus. Complete the sentences, write no more than three words. [3 p. 126]-3 min.

v Most artistic events take place in or around the ___________________.

v It is always possible to see Eastern European Art at the ____________.

v More unconventional plays can be seen at _______________________.

v To get into the choir or jazz band, students have to have____________.

v Richard hasn’t covered everything in his ________________________.

Exercise 8. Answer to the following questions:

· What facilities would you expect to find on a university campus?

· Where is the flourishing arts scene situated?

· What does it include?

· Where can you see the exhibition of contemporary architects and designers?

· What does a Workshop Studio stage?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 728 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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