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Consolidation of grammar. Underline the correct form

Underline the correct form. Tick (V) the sentence if both are possible.

I'm not going /1 won't go to work tomorrow because it's Saturday.

I'm going to study / I'll study English here next year.

We go / We're going to Brazil next week. I can't wait.

What are you going to wear / are you wearing to the party?

Exercise 4 Read the text

“Being the eldest”

The way I am today is a complete reflection of my position in the family. When people ask me questions, I always feel I have to know the answer, because my brothers always assumed I knew everything.

I was the one who did everything first, like learning to read. I didn’t always want to be the first, but I felt I had to.

I always helped with the housework. As I was the only girl, my mom often used to say “Jane, could you wash up? Jane, can you make the supper?”. Of course, my

brothers were never asked.

I was completely aware of the power I had being the eldest, and in retrospect I think I was probably very bossy, and in a way selfish, because I did everything myself and didn’t give the others the opportunity. When my brothers grew up, it took me ages to accept that they were independent adults – I still think of my brother Michael as twelve years old, and in fact he’s a father himself now!

And I’ve continued being the one who has to look after people even today. My job involves looking after people, and my husband is a “youngest child” himself, and I end up looking after him too. I think I would be a more relaxed person today and worry less if I hadn’t been an eldest child.

Exercise 5 Answer the questions:

1. Why does she feel she has to know the answer to all the questions of people?

2. Why does she always have to be the first?

3. Did she always help with the housework?

4. Why does she think that she was probably very bossy?

5. What does involve her job?

Exercise 6 Translate the paragraph 4 from the text “Being the eldest”.

Exercise 7 Listen to the text and choose the right variant T.1.11[1]

1 Oldest children are usually …………..

a) self-confident

b) selfish

c) spoilt

d) friendly

e) sensitive

2 Nora says that middle children are usually …… and ……..

a) selfish and spoilt

b) aggressive and selfish

c) independent and competitive

d) friendly and sociable

e) affectionate and sensitive

3 The youngest children are ……….

a) charming

b) selfish

c) independent

d) competitive

e) bossy

4 Only children are ……..

a) bossy

b) ambitious

c) friendly

d) competitive

e) spoilt

Exercise 8 Answer the questions:

1 What is your position in the family?

2 Are you the oldest child, a middle child, the youngest child, or an only child?

3 Why are the oldest children usually self-confident?

4 Why are the youngest children are charming?

5 Norah says that the only children are spoilt, but they have positive side. They are usually organized and responsible. Why?

Exercise 9 Finish the sentences:

1 Norah says that our position in the family affects our ……..

a) ability

b) personality

c) punctuality

d) responsibility

e) credulity

2 Oldest children are also responsible people, because they often have to …… ……. ………. ……….

a) look for their brothers and sisters.

b) look at their brothers and sisters

c) look after their brothers and children

d) look up their brothers and sisters

e) look around their brothers and sisters

3 Only children are the only ones – they don’t have ……….. with anyone.

a) to come

b) to go

c) to dance

d) to walk

e) to share

Exercise 10 Write the missing letters:

1 Oldest children are usually quite s_ _ _ -c_ _ f_ _ _ _t.

2 Middle children are i_ _ e_ _ _ d_ _t and com_ _ _ t_ _e.

3 Youngest children are usually ch_ _ _ _ng.

4 Only children are s_ _ _ _t. Sometimes they have positive side, they can be r_ _ _ _ _s _ _ _e.

5 Our position in the family affects our p _ _ _ o_ _ l_ty.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 817 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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