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Make collocations matching the words 1-15 with the words in the box

Meager leftovers Coffee Strap To toil Gaunt and crippled Prostitution Cooped up To solder Cornmeal mush Bonded labour Involuntary To lure Victims Mistreated Stigmatized Disruptive Rejected To drop out To exploit Channeled

1. ______________trinkets

2. to sit _____________ in factories

3. to be fed ___________________

4. ________________ schools

5. ________________ in factories

6. _______________ of sex tourism

7. to be beaten with a ________

8. to be forced into ____________

9. to be _________ by communities

10. to be fed __________________

11 _____________________ children

12 _________________ coffee

13 to end up ___________by teacher

14 to place in _______________

15 to left _______ and ___________

16 _______ into sexual exploitation

17 to be ___________ in workplace

18 to be ________________into jobs

19 to find oneself ____ in prostitution

20 to become __________________

Insert prepositions into the following phrases.

1. to hand ________ the debt burden;

2. to be exploited ______ the owner’s work;

3. to specialize _______ labour matters;

4. to be forced ___________ prostitution;

5. _______ a master’s beck and call;

6. to be desperate _______ money;

7. to make difference _______ hunger and a bare sufficiency;

8. _____ exchange _________ loans;

9. to trudge __________;

10. to be frequently beaten _______ a leather strap;

11. primary cause _____ child labour;

12. to be placed _____ bonded labour;

13. to end ______ being rejected;

14. to be channeled _______ jobs;

15. to toil ______ hot factories;

16. to free ______ bonded labour;

17. to fetch water _____________ a master’s household;

18. expert ______ child development;

19. to be exposed _______ pesticides;

20. to sit crouched _____ the toes.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 510 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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