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Look at the topics below. Choose and discuss one of the problems and say what could be done to avoid this

· Many developing countries are currently facing the problem of famine.

· The spread of disease in poverty-stricken areas of the world in on the increase nowadays.

Write a composition in about 350 words.

UNIT 3. Labour in developing countries


1. In pairs define the word ‘labour’. Then brainstorm adjectives both positive and negative to describe different working conditions for people.

2. Now exchange your views on the problem “Should children work?” Talk for a minute.

In pairs try to discuss the following questions.

· Is the problem of child labour ever-increasing in today’s world?

· What do you think the minimum age for children to start work at is?

· Why do you think children are so much demanded by employers?

· Are there any hints of child labour in your country?


Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1 Crippled a. Заманивать, завлекать, соблазнять
2 Gaunt b. Быть на посылках
3 Scourge c. производить, вызывать, порождать (результат, эффект)
4 To beget d. Работать в поте лица
5 To jeopardize e. Искалеченный, хромой
6 To lure f. Подвергать опасности
7 To run errands g. Беда
8 To stigmatize h. Плестись, тащиться
9 To toil i. позорить
10 To trudge out j. Изможденный, голодный

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 396 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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