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Listen again, take notes and answer the following questions as fully as possible

· What difficulties did they have at first in Africa?

· How did it come about that spears were thrown at them in Kenya?

· Why was the name of Fidel Castro mentioned?

· Why were there students in the Ethiopian villages?

· What were their difficulties?

· How did John try to help them?

· What do john’s feelings seem to be about the Ethiopian revolution?

· What made the ride into Sudan dangerous?

· What was their initial reaction on arriving in Sudan? What caused it?

· How was their accommodation problem solved in Sudan?

· In what way was Sudan different from all other countries Kohn has been in?

· Which country did John like best and which did he like least?


Look through the article in activity 6 and find synonyms for the following words and expressions and give their Russian equivalents. Restore the context where these expressions are used in the article.

1. Undernourishment A  
2. Equipment, resources F  
3. To worsen F  
4. Extraordinary H  
5. to turn round, overthrow H  
6. Setback H  
7. Stale I  
8. To compete, fight J  
9. Outgoings L  
10. To foster, encourage, help N  
11. Susceptible, unprotected P  

22. Make up collocations matching the words 1-13 with the words in the box. Then restore the context where these collocations are used in the article you’ve read.

Boost Day-to-day Stagnant Trade Reschedule Magnified Adjustment Economic Basic State-owned Budget Infant Economic

1. ___________________ mortality

2. ______________________ expenses

3. ____________________ recession

4. ________________________ policies

5. ________________________ balance

6. ________________________ deficit

7. ____________________ world trade

8. _____________________ debts

9. ____________________ production

10. _______________________ effect

11. ___________________ adjustment

12. _______________________ assets

13. _______________________ commodities

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 415 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

studopedia.org - Студопедия.Орг - 2014-2024 год. Студопедия не является автором материалов, которые размещены. Но предоставляет возможность бесплатного использования (0.006 с)...