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Read the news report and fill in the gaps 1-20 with the words from the word search

There has been intense popular anger about the latest increase in (1) ______________ tax. Feelings are running so high that this afternoon there were (2) _____________ of looting and rioting in the poorer districts around the (3) _____________ of the city, as people found an (4) ______________ for their rage and frustration in violence. A factory worker had this to say: “It’s a joke, this! I’ve already got enough trouble trying to pay off my (5) ____________ at the bank, doing (6) _______________ every evening to earn a bit more, without having to pay more tax as well!” The rioting was ended by a sudden (7) ____________ of rain, much to the relief of the owner of a small factory damaged in the riots.

‘Thank goodness that’s over,’ he said. ‘I’ve already got enough trouble trying to pay the (8) _____________ on my factory and give my children a decent (9) _________________, without having the place smashed up by rioters as well! As it is, after all the damage that’s been done, production is bound to be hit, which means (10) _____________ will be reduced for the next few months. And that’s not to mention the financial (11) ______________ that’s going to be necessary to put the factory back on its feet again!’

In an angry (12) ________________ in Parliament, the Opposition Spokesperson for Economic Affairs called the increase an (13) _________________. At the (14) ___________ of his speech, the Spokesperson reminded MPs of what he referred to as ‘the Government’s habitual carelessness and bad planning,’ going on to say, with heavy irony, ‘However, not to consider the disastrous effect which this measure will have on low-paid workers, the unwilling (15) ________________ of our society, is an (16) ______________ even more disastrous than the others committed so frequently by this Government.’ In defence of the rioters, he added: ‘It is regrettable that people should show their feelings in such a violent manner. Nevertheless, these people are not (17) ____________ but honest citizens provoked beyond endurance by a greedy and insensitive Government.’ It is difficult to predict the (18) ______________ of these latest troubles, but the (19) ______________ for the government is not bright; it is thought by some observers that this may be the final blunder that will cause its (20) ________________.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 424 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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