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The policy as a public phenomenon Structure and function

It is obvious that the term of "politician" concerns appreciably challenged concepts. Causing discussions and disputes to this day. As the special sphere of the human activity, which purpose - to focus social development in a direction favorable for the person by definition of overall aims and the coordinated means of their achievement, the policy has arisen more 2,5 million ago. However since then changed both the maintenance of the purposes, and ways of their achievement. Does not remain invariable and the maintenance. The term of "politician". In its interpretations every time on the foreground left, depending on the circumstances, those or other properties of the given public phenomenon. Into a scientific turn the term of "politician" was entered by Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). By its definition, the policy is a civilized form of a generality which served achievement of "general welfare" and «happy life». Aristotle considered as such form the antique policy (city-state). If all citizens in the huge nations-states which have come in the stead to policies, the coordination of diverse interests of various groups was carried out by ruling elite directly participated in political management of small cities-states and leant against art of achievement and skillful use of the government. Not casually in 1515 the Italian public figure, the political thinker, scientific Nikkolo Makiavelli (1469-1527) defined a policy as «set of means which are necessary to come to power and it is useful to use it... So, the policy is the reference with the power, set by obligations and depending on power of the master or the people, and also from current situations».

Structure!! So the system of estimations, senses and statements which make the maintenance of political consciousness is formed. The reality estimation, participation in political life can be carried out on the basis of emotions, feelings, the experiences forming political psychology. But political participation can be rationally comprehended and to be under construction on the basis of following to system of representations - political ideology.

Realization of the realized interests assumes interaction with other groups having other requirements, and power institutes. Character of interaction of participants of political life (confrontation between them or the consent and tolerance, political strike or cooperation) depends on a maturity of political culture of subjects, a society condition (its prosperity, stability or crisis). Arising and constantly changing

Social requirements of groups and individuals demand timely representation and satisfaction. For this purpose there is a system of institutes legislative, executive and judicial authority. It should react adequately to politically significant requirements, realize them in the form of administrative decisions, i.e. operate social processes and regulate them. However efficiency of administrative decisions appreciably depends on presence of mature system of representation of the interests, including party system, the political organizations and movements, pressure groups etc. which are capable to formulate accurately the valid requirements of groups and to finish them to power structures in the form of requirements, programs etc. the State and its bodies, party system, pressure groups, social movements make political organization, called to express valid, group and private interests.

The policy as management and management sphere can concern with public processes of various spheres of activity of the person. Depending on in what sphere of public ability to live carries out the politician the регулятивную function, distinguish economic, social, demographic, agrarian, cultural, technical, military, national etc. a policy. On обращенности politicians allocate for the decision of internal or external problems internal and foreign policy. If as subjects of a policy the people, the states, social movements and the organizations of the different countries act, and a subject of their mutual relations are questions economic, social, political, legal, military, humanitarian etc. cooperation it is a question of a world policy. All is policy versions.

Function 1. Function of maintenance of integrity and stability of a society. The policy carries out this function thanks to ability to catch a tendency of public progress and in the tideway of these tendencies to formulate overall aims, to develop future projects, to define social reference points, finding for their realization necessary resources. The policy can offer variants of the desirable future to which politically significant interests of groups are presented, layers, individuals, the state in the event that it is capable to integrate socially non-uniform groups.

2. Function of mobilization and maintenance of efficiency of the general activity. Besides a formulation of the purposes forward realization, the policy provides their realization by creation of the motivational mechanism, giving to the individual effective possibilities for satisfaction of its social requirements, changes of its social status by means of the power.

3. Administrative and регулятивная policy function. The policy not only expresses imperiously significant interests and requirements of various groups of a society, but also provides their interaction, impact by acceptance of political decisions makes on their. Influencing interests of groups, the policy operates social processes and regulates them, using social compulsion

And violence.

4. Rationalization function. Зримо representing group and individual interests, the policy develops the general rules and mechanisms of their representation and realization. Thereby the policy rationalizes conflicts and contradictions, warns them or in a civilized way resolves.

5. Function of political socialization. Opening ample opportunities of realization of group and individual interests, the policy includes the person in social relations, passing on it experience and skills of converting activity, effective performance of roles and functions.

6. Humanitarian function. This function is expressed in creation of guarantees of the rights and personal freedoms, maintenance of a public order, the civil world and organization.

Successful performance by a policy of all listed functions guarantees continuity and поступательность in society development.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 445 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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