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Vocabulary. significance - важность

significance - важность

recognition - признание

submit - подчиняться

Answer the Questions

1. What issues do I. Shaw's work involve?

2. Shaw's works rcflect his ability to describe American char­acter types, don't they?

3. What docs his first novel deal with?

4. What are his best works?

5. Did he write comic novels?

6. What plays did he write?

6.4. J. D. Salinger J. D. Salinger (1919—), an American author, bccame famous for his novel «The Catcher in the Rye» (1951). The novel's hero and narrator is a prcp-school dropout named Holdcn Caul field. Adrift in New York City, Holden learns to face both the phoni- ness he finds in the adult world and his own weaknesses. In «Catcher», and in much of the fiction that followed, Salinger hu­morously and convincingly captured the speech, gestures, and feelings of the young.

Salinger's «Nine Stories» (1953) introduces the Glass family, central figures of the author's later works. One story in this book focuses on Seymour Glass, an eccentric genius whose suicide haunts the family in other fiction. In «Franny and Zooey» (1961), Franny Glass suffers a spiritual breakdown. Her brother Zoocy blames his older brothers for Franny's condition, but he draws on their wisdom to help her. Salinger also focuses on Seymour in three stories first published in «The New Yorker» magazine. These stories are «Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters» (1955), «Seymour: An Introduction» (1959), and «Hapworth 16, 1924» (1965).

Jerome David Salinger was bom in New York City. Since the 1950's, he has isolated himself in rural New Hampshire. He still writes fiction but feels that publishing it would invade his privacy.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 332 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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