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Background. During the 1700's, religious interests gradually gave way to po­litical concerns

During the 1700's, religious interests gradually gave way to po­litical concerns. After Great Britain passed the Stamp Act of 1765, protests arose from all parts of the colonies. Dozens of revolution­ary pamphlets and poems were written and circulated. Some rank as important works of literature.

New literary forms appeared after the Revolutionary War. Po­litical independence brought a strong desire for literary indepen­dence. For the first time, American writers broke with their Euro­pean past.

8. Çàê. 230

Politics and pamphlets. Benjamin Franklin became a spokes­man for American interests of the 1700's. He criticized British poli-

cics in a pamphlet called «Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One» (1773). Franklin also wrote oilier politi­cal satires, but he did not limit himself to politics. He produced influential literature in his roles as a prosperous publisher, a curi­ous scientist, and a reasoning philosopher. Franklin's witty prov­erbs made «Poor Richard's Almanac» (1733—1758) one of his mast popular publications. His major literary work was his unfinished «Autobiography». It became a model for many later stories of the rise «from rags to riches».

Other writers published works that were more violently revolu­tionary than Franklin's political writings. Thomas Paine, in his pam­phlet «Common Sense» (1776), demanded complete independence from Britain. Paine's series of pamphlets called «The Crisis» (1776—1783) encouraged the colonists during the darkest days of the Revolutionary War in America.

After the Revolutionary War, the United States Constitution stirred up sharp debate throughout the nation. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay urged the ratification of the Consti­tution in a series of brilliant letters called «The Federalist» (1787— 1788).

Patriotism and wit. Patriotism inspired a number of poets dur­ing the Revolutionary period. Philip Frencau was the most talented poet of the time. But he spent most of his energy on patriotic poems that have little literary value. Frcneau's best works include simple nature lyrics such as «The Wild Honey Suckle» (1786).

A group of young poets at Yale University became particularly popular. They were known as the «Wicked Wits», the «Hartford Wits», or the «Connecticut Wits». In most of their poems, such «wits» as Timothy Dwight and John Trumbull imitated the humor of Alexander Pope and other British satirists. Joel Barlow was a leading member of the group. He impressed readers with his long patriotic poem «The Vision of Columbus» (1787).

New York and the Knickerbockers. During die late 1700's and early 1800's, New York City became a busy literary center. Writers who lived in and near the city took the first steps toward creating a national literature.

America's first important novelist, Charles Brockden Brown, moved to New York City from Philadelphia. He was the first Ameri-
can to make literature his major profession. Brown modeled his works on the English horror stories called «Gothic novels». He established his reputation with «Wieland» (1798) and «Edgar Huntly» (1799).

Three other writers connected with the city and state of New York made truly great contributions to the development of Ameri­can literature. They were (1) Washington Irving, (2) James Fenimore Cooper, and (3) William Cullen Bryant. Their works won the first literary recognition in Europe of American literature.

Irving delighted readers with his «Knickerbocker's History of New York» (1809). This satire was so popular that the term «Father Knickerbocker» became a humorous nickname for New York City. A number of writers who gathered around Irving became known as the «Knickerbocker Group». Irving retold old European folk stories in his best-loved works, «Rip Van Winkle» and «The Legend of Sleepy Hollow», which were both published in 1819 and 1820 in «The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent». He combined the styles of the es­say and the sketch to create a new literary form, the short story.

Cooper wrote exciting adventure stories about the New York frontier of his day. His most popular work was «The Leatherstocking Tales», a series of five novels. Cooper's characters sometimes seem unreal, and his style is often too flowery. But he invented the first American frontier hero, Natty Bumppo. Such novels as «The Last of the Mohicans» (1826) and «The Prairie» (1827) present an un­forgettable picture of young America conquering a wilderness.

Bryant served as the editor and the chief owner of the «New York Evening Post» for about 50 years. While still a youth, he wrote «T'nanatopsis» (1811), his famous poem about death. Bryant be­came known as the «American Wordsworth» because he wrote na­ture poems similar to those of the English master. He described American scenery in such moving poems as «To a Waterfowl» (1818) and «To the Fringed Gentian» (1832).

Abolition and Uncle Tom. During the 1830's, slavery became a burning issue in the United States. Abolitionists, who wanted to end slavery, published stirring essays, novels, pamphlets, and po­ems. William Lloyd Garrison, a Boston journalist, led the antisla- very crusade in his newspaper «The Liberaton>.


Harriet Beecher Stowe gained fame as the most influential abo­litionist writer. Her sensational novel «Uncle Tom's Cabin» (! 851—

1852) sold millions of copics and is slill widely read. It was made into the most successful stage play of the 1800's. President Abraham Lincoln believed that «Unclc Tom's Cabin» helped cause the Civil War, which started in 1861.

Topical Vocabulary

reduce - óìåíüøàòü

prosperous - ïðîöâåòàþùèé

rags - ëîõìîòüÿ

stir up - ðàçäóâàòü, âîçáóæäàòü

sharp - îñòðûé

urge - òîëêàòü, ïîáóæäàòü

wit - óì

frontier - ãðàèèöà

wilderness - äèêàÿ ìåñòíîñòü

abolition - îòìåòêà, óíè÷òîæåíèå (ðàáñòâà)


I. Prove:

1. During the 1700's, religious interests gave way to political concerns.

2. New literary forms appeared during the 1700's.

3. Benjamin Franklin became a spokesman of American inter­ests of the 1700's.

4. Patriotism inspired poets during die Revolutionary period.

5. During the 1700's New York City became a busy literary centre.

II. Describe:

1) the revolutionary literary works by American writers of the 1700's;

2) the literary life of New York City during the late 1700's and early 1800's;

3) abolitionists' works.


III. In a short essay describe the revolutionary changes in American literature during the 1700's.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-02-18; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 486 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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