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Глава 4. (1) Sir David Petrie, Communism in India , 1924 – 1927 (Calcutta: Editions Indian, 1972), pp.174 – 5

(1) Sir David Petrie, Communism in India, 1924 – 1927 (Calcutta: Editions Indian, 1972), pp.174 – 5.

(2) Page, Leitch and Knightley, Philby, p. 118.

(3) Cecil in interview with author, 1980.

(4) Nicholson in interview with author, 1967.

(5) There are many versions of the Ellis story. This one comes from an interview with one of Ellis's senior officers. The author will forward letters to him.

(6) Gwynne Kean, letter to author, 4 March 1980.

(7) Interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.

(8) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 2, BBC Radio 4, 12 March 1980.

(9) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 2.

(10) Nicholson in interview with author, 1967.

(11) ibid.

12 John Whitwell, British Agent (London: Kimber, 1966), pp. 70 – 1.

(13) Christopher Andrew, 'Now Baldwin 's Secret Service Lost the Soviet Code', Observer, 13 August 1978.

(14) Christopher Andrew, 'Governments and Secret Services: a Historical Perspective',

International Journal, vol. 34, no. 2(1979), p. 180.

(15) F. H. Hinsley el al., British Intelligence in the Second World War (London: HMSO, 1979), vol. 1, p. 56.

(16) Morton in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967. Morton said that his network controller was 'The Times man in Rome '. The Times staff records list Coote as its correspondent there during the relevant period.

(17) Walker in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.

(18) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 57 – 8.

(19) ibid., p. 83.

(20) Wesley K. Wark, 'British Intelligence on the German Air Force and Aircraft Industry, 1933 – 1939', Historical Journal, vol. 25, no. 3(1982), p. 640.

(21) Wark, 'British Intelligence', pp. 636 – 8. Christie's informant is identified as Ritter in C Andrew and D. Dilks (eds). The Missing Dimension (London: Macmillan, 1984), p. 123.

(22) Barton Whaley, 'Covert Rearmament in Germany 1919 – 1939: Deception and Misperception', Journal of Strategic Studies, part 5 (March 1982), pp. 3 – 39.

(23) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 49, 80.

(24) ibid., pp. 46, 76 – 7.

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