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Глава 3. (1) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 1, BBC Radio 4, 5 March 1980

(1) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 1, BBC Radio 4, 5 March 1980.

(2) House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George MSS, F/9/2/16, 'Reduction of Estimates for Secret Services', 19 March 1920.

(3) Kerby in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.

(4) Lloyd George MSS, F/9/2/16, Churchill to Lloyd George, Bonar Law, First Lord of the Admiralty. Lord Curzon, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, 19 March 1920.

(5) Lloyd George MSS, F/9/2/16, 'Reduction of Estimates for Secret Services', p. 2(vii).

(6) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 2, BBC Radio 4, 12 March 1980.

(7) Lloyd George MSS, F/33/2/3, Long to Lloyd George, 9 January 1919.

(8) Sidney Reilly, The Adventures of Sidney Reilly (London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 1931), pp. 28, 44.

(9) ibid., p. 43.

(10) ibid. Mrs Reilly tells her story in the second half of Reilly's unfinished book.

(11) ibid., p. 238.

(12) Quoted by Lewis Chester, Stephen Fay and Hugo Young, The Zinoviev Letter (London: Neinemann, 1967], p. 194.

(13) Christopher Andrew, 'The British Secret Service and Anglo‑Soviet Relations in the 1920s'. Historical Journal, vol. 20, no. 3(1977). p. 705.

(14) Maugham's spell in Russia is best told in R. J. Jeffrey‑Jones, American Espionage (New York: The Free Press, 1977), ch. 7.

(15) Paul Dukes, The Story of ST‑25 (London: Cassell, 1938), pp. 32 – 3.

(16) ibid., p. 293.

(17) R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Memoirs of a Britich Agent (New York: Putnam's, 1932). p. 288.

(18) 'Russian Agent Planted on Sir R. Bruce Lockhart'. The Times, 14 March 1966.

(19) The Cheka plot is explained in Richard K. Debo, 'Lockhart Plot or Dzerzhinski Plot?', Journal of Modern History, vol. 43, no. 3 (1971), pp. 413 – 39.

(20) Kenneth Young, The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart: Vol 1. 1915 – 1938 (London: Macmillan, 1973).

(21) Respectively: Dukes in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967; and George A. Hill. The Dreaded Hour (London: Cassell, 1936), p. 260.

(22) Andrew, 'Britich Secret Service', pp. 690 – 1.

(23) Lloyd George MSS, F/203/3/6, Folder 5, 'Memorandum on the Situation in Russia'.

(24) Bruce Page, David Leitch and Phillip Knightley, The Philhv Conspiracy (New York‑Doubleday, 1968), p. 117.

(25) Lockhart, Memoirs, p. 341.

(26) Kirn Philby, My Silent War (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1968), p. xv.

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