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Preventative Tips

• Don’t open e-mail attachments from unknown people; always take note of the file extension.

• Run and update antivirus programs, e.g. virus scanners.

• Install a firewall, a program designed to prevent spyware from gaining access to the internal network.

• Make backup copies of your files regularly.

• Don’t accept files from high-risk sources.

• Use a digital certificate, an electronic way of proving your identity, when you are doing business on the Internet. Avoid giving credit card numbers.

• Don’t believe everything you read on the Net. Have a suspicious attitude toward its contents.

Ex. 10. Identify the Internet crimes sentences (1-6) refer to. Then match them with the advice below (a-f).

1. Crackers try to find a way to copy the latest game or computer program. 2. A study has revealed that half a million people will automatically open an e-mail they believe to be from their bank and happily send off all their security details. 3. This software’s danger is hidden behind an attractive appearance. That’s why it is often wrapped in attractive packages promising photos of celebrities like Anna Kournikova or Jennifer Lopez. 4. There is a particular danger in Internet commerce and e-mails. Many people believe they have been offered a special gift only to find out later they have been deceived. 5. ‘Nimda’ spreads by sending infected e-mails and is also able to infect websites, so when a user visits a compromised website, the browser can infect the computer. 6. Every day, millions of children spend time in Internet chat rooms talking to strangers. But what many of them don’t realize is that some of the surfers chatting with them may be sexual predators.

a) People shouldn’t buy cracked software or download music illegally from the Internet; b) Be suspicious of wonderful offers. Don’t buy if you aren’t sure; c) It’s dangerous to give personal information to people you contact in chat rooms; d) Don’t open attachments from people you don't know even if the subject looks attractive; e) Scan your e-mail and be careful about which websites you visit; f) Check with your bank before sending information.

Ex. 11. Answer the following questions in written. Compare with your classmates’ answers.

1. What do you do to prevent computer infections? 2. Do you keep your virus protection updated? 3. The Internet has lots of websites where you can get free advice and software. What should you do to improve your computer security?

Ex. 12. Choose the best words to go into each of the spaces.

1. A person who illegally accesses somebody else’s computer over the internet is called a ….

a) pirate b) hack c) hacker

2. A website which (in theory) cannot be accessed by a hacker is …

a) strong b) secure c) clean

3. A website which can only be viewed by authorized people has … access.

a) reduced b) small c) restricted

4. Unwanted advertising e-mails are popularly known as ….

a) meatloaf b) spam c) sausages

5. Software which blocks attempts by others to access your computer over the internet is called a ….

a) firewall b) fire blanket c) fire engine

6. It’s essential to … your anti-virus protection regularly.

a) up-to-date b) date c) update

7. Anti-virus software can … your computer for viruses.

a) detect b) review c) scan

8. Anti-virus software can also … viruses on removable media, such as floppy disks.

a) detect b) control c) see

9. When your anti-virus software subscription …

a) ends b) stops c) expires

10. … it’s a good idea to … it immediately.

a) renew b) renovate c) replace.

How to avoid catching a virus. What should we do? Stay calm. A computer virus isn’t dangerous until the infected email is opened. Delete any mail you think is infected and empty your deleted items folder. Enable a firewall (защитная система). It’s an application that prevents computer viruses from infecting your computer. Update your operating system regularly. Use spam protection. Many computer viruses get into your computer as e-mail attachments. Mark e-mails that look like spam as spam so that you won’t have to get them in your main inbox and accidentally open them. For further protection, use anti-spam software. Avoid installing suspicious software. Some computer software or programs are hotspots for computer viruses, or they contain viruses themselves. If you are not sure about the publisher of the program, then don’t install it.

What should not we do? Don’t open any attachment you are not sure about, even if you have a virus scanner. Don’t forward any attachment to a friend without being sure it is safe.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 1705 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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