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Designing Web Pages

Ex. 1. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)?

1.You don’t need to learn HTML to make a Web page. 2. Making a Web page is like designing a printed page. 3. You shouldn’t use a lot of different colors in your texts. 4. Having a lot of pictures and animations on Web page is great. 5. Surfers like reading on the Net.

Beginning HTML. Web designers use Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to create and format Web pages. HTML uses a set of codes, called tags, to structure a Web document that will run in a browser. There are hundreds of tags you can use to format text, insert graphics, animations, sound and video. But you do not need to understand HTML to make your own personal home page. Many word-processing, desktop publishing and Web-authoring programs will generate HTML tags for you. To upload, or copy, your Web page to a Web server, use the server’s File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Home Page Hints. It’s your cyber-home, but remember that websites are different from books or magazines. Think about these suggestions to make people want to stay.

1. Use a navigation bar to organize your hyperlinks to other pages.

2. Keep your use of color and buttons consistent. If a Next Page button is a pink circle, all Next page buttons should be the same, and on the same place on the screen.

3. Hyperlinks also let visitors to navigate up and down long pages.

4. If you use a lot of animation your Web page will take a long time to download.

5. If you use a lot of graphics, animation and text, your Web page will be too busy.

6. It’s difficult to read the text that’s next to animation.

7. Keep texts short and simple! Surfers don’t like reading on a computer screen too much.

8. It is not easy to read multi-colored text.

9. Lots of bright colors look nice at first, but often give people headaches!

10. Make sure you use a spell check and use good grammar.

11. Try not to use too much slang. People who visit your site may not understand.

12. Don’t be afraid to be original. Good websites have something that is different about them and that comes from you!

Ex. 2. Match the words in italics to the definitions below.

a) connection to a Web page or part of a Web page;

b) to make or produce;

c) plan or build a Web page;

d) a group of organized Web links, usually in a line;

e) does not change, always the same;

f) the type of software that help create Web pages;

g) new, not done before.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences using the following words: busy, consistent, generate, home pages, structure, surfers, upload, Web-authoring.

1. That Web page is much too … I don’t know what to look at. 2. An FTP server is a computer that lets you … files in the Net. 3. The buttons on this page are not … with the buttons on the last page. 4. Net … never like reading a lot of text on the screen. 5. … software means you don’t have to learn HTML to make a Web page. 6. Many students have their own … on the World Wide Web. 7. HTML creates the … for Web pages to run on a browser. 8. Web-authoring programs … HTML tags for you.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 1499 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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