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Soft law

In recent years a new phenomenon has taken shape in the international community: the formation of what has come to be termed 'soft law' (as opposed to 'hard law', which makes up international law proper). This is a body of standards, commitments, joint statements, or declarations of policy or intention.

These instruments or documents have three major features in common. First, they are indicative of the modern trends emerging in the world community, where international organizations or other collective bodies have the task pf promoting action on matters of general concern. Second, they deal with matters that reflect new concerns of the international community, to which previously this community was not sensitive or not sufficiently alert. Third, for political, economic, or other reason, it is, however hard for States to reach full convergence of views and standards on these matters so as to agree upon legally binding commitments. However, they may thus lay the groundor constitute the building blocks, for the gradual formation of customary rule or treaty.

(Mind these word combinations.)

To be hedged around with -быть окруженным

Principles of equity -принципы права справедливости

Subsidiary sources -второстепенные источники

To be envisaged by -рассматриваться кем-либо

To be contemplated -считаться, рассматриваться

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 190 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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