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VII. Answer the questions using the information from the text

1.What two principal methods for creating legally binding rules have states evolved?

2. What are the main features of custom and treaties as sources of international law?

3. What are the new trends in the development of international lawmaking?

4. What are the differences between custom and treaties as sources of international law?

5. What are the elements of custom?

6 Do customary rules need to be supported or consented to by all states? Why?

7. What are the reasons for custom demotion?

8. What are the three areas where custom plays a significant role?

9. What is the main feature of treaties?

10. What forms are the treaties usually concluded in?

11. When does State make reservations?

12. What are terms for reservations to be accepted?

13. What are the grounds of invalidity?

14. What is the main purpose of treaty interpretation?

15. What are the grounds for terminating the treaty?

16. What effects may codification of treaties have?

17. What were the reasons for the introduction of jus cogens in the late 1960s?

18. What is the definition of peremptory rules in the Vienna Convention?

19. What effects can peremptory norms produce?

20. What are the limitations of jus cogens envisaged in the Vienna Convention?

21. What are the deficiencies and merits of jus cogens?

VIII. Complete diagrams A and B with the words and phrases given below. Then using these diagrams retell this part of the text “International Lawmaking.”(Custom and Treaties).

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 305 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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