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IV. Translate these sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the underlined words

1. This enquiry should therefore begin with a note of warning.

2. Failure to grasp this crucial fact would inevitably entail a serious

misinterpretation of the impact of law on this community.

3. The first salient feature of international law is that most of its rules

aim at regulating the behave our of states, not that of individuals.

4. Today it could be maintained with greater truthfulness that without

the protection of state human beings are likely to endure more suffering and hardship than what is likely to be their lot in the normal course of events.

5. National systems encompass very many legal subjects: citizens,

foreigners residing in the territory of the state, corporal bodies, and

state institutions (if endowed with legal personality).

6. All other subjects either exercise effective authority over territory for a limited period of time only or have no territorial basis whatsoever.

7. Were states to disappear, the present international community wouldeither fall apart or change radically.

8. There is another category of international subjects, namely insurgents, who come into being through their struggle against the state to which they formerly belonged.

9. Insurgents are therefore not easily accepted by the international community unless they can prove that they exercise some of the sovereign rights typical of states.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 421 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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