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Acute gastritis. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes. Common varieties in practice are the result of indiscretions in food or alcoholic drinks; but contaminated food, “chill" and scarlet fever in its acute stage may also induce very acute gastric catarrh. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis. The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is vomiting and when enteritis is superadded diarrhea also supervenes.

Chronic gastritis. Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means infrequent disease. Accurate diagnosis is essential. It is important to treat this disease in as early a stage as possible, not only for the immediate disabilities which arise but still more for the serious consequences such as carcinoma, which may possibly result from it. Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in the removal of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis (especially pyorrhea) and deficient mastication of food (from bad habits or lack of teeth). The cardinal symptoms and signs of an established case which demand treatment are:

1. Vomiting, especially in the morning and associated always with an excessive secretion of mucus into the stomach.

2. Diminution or frequently complete absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. The prime causes favoring continuation of the disease having been removed, the first essential in treatment is gastric lavage carried out always before breakfast and in the severe cases at intervals during the day, before meals. Treatment by lavage is continued until improvement is manifest when its use can be gradually discontinued. If lavage is for any reason impossible, the next best substitute is the administration of a teaspoonful or more of sodium bicarbonate in a tumblerful of warm water in the morning and again before meals throughout the day.

Hydrochloric acid is so commonly greatly diminished or absent in an untreated case of chronic gastritis that some effort is generally made to remedy the deficiency. It is known that after gastric lavage for some weeks the secretion of hydrochloric acid frequently returns in adequate amount.

3. Anorexia is common in chronic patients especially in the morning when there is a great excess of mucus in the stomach. Later in the day the appetite generally improves. Bad dietary habits are common in these patients. The prescribed diet should be arranged so that attractive small meals are provided at frequent intervals.


Exercise 10. Answer the following questions.

1. What causes may induce acute gastritis?

2. What may cause acute gastroenteritis?

3. What are the cardinal symptoms of acute gastritis?

4. Is it important to treat acute gastritis in as early a stage as possible? Why?

5. What does the treatment of chronic gastritis consist of?

6. What cardinal symptoms and signs of an established case demand treatment?

7. When does vomiting in chronic gastritis usually occur?

8. What acid is frequently absent in the gastric juice in chronic gastritis?

9. What is the first essential in treatment of chronic gastritis?

10. When does the secretion of hydrochloric acid frequently return to adequate amount?

11. When does anorexia occur?

12. What diet should be arranged for the patients with bad dietary habits?

Exercise 11. Complete the following sentences using the text.

Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to…

Common varieties in practice are the result of indiscretions in…

… may spread downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis.

The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is … is superadded diarrhea also supervenes.

… is essential.

Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in the removal of such well-known causes as …

Vomiting… and associated always with an excessive secretion of mucus into the stomach.

If lavage is for any reason impossible, the next best substitute is the administration … in the morning and again before meals throughout the day.

Anorexia is common in chronic patients especially in the morning ….

…should be arranged so that attractive small meals are provided at frequent intervals.

Exercise 12. Read the sentences and say whether the following ones are true to the text:

Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes.

The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute cholecystitis.

The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is belching and when enteritis is superadded constipation also supervenes.

Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means frequent disease.

Much of the treatment of chronic gastritis is essentially prophylactic.

The cardinal symptoms and signs of an established case which demand treatment are vomiting, diminution and anorexia.

Vomiting occurs especially in the morning and is always associated with an excessive secretion of blood into the stomach.

Diminution or frequently complete presence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice.

Gastric lavage carried out always after breakfast and in the severe cases at intervals during the day, after meals.

Treatment by lavage is continued until improvement is manifest when its use can be gradually discontinued.

Exercise 13. Explain the following diseases in English:

Acute gastritis; peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis; pancreatitis, enteritis; gastroenteritis

Exercise 14. Translate the following word combinations.

Ряд причин, полное отсутствие соляной кислоты, вредные привычки, злоупотребление алкогольными напитками, чрезмерная секреция слизи, выполнять орошение полости, проявлять улучшение, полный стакан тёплой воды, в течение дня, соответствующее количество жидкости, улучшать аппетит, профилактическое лечение, выделение гноя из полости, энтерит, никоим образом.

Exercise 15. Put questions to the underlined members of sentences.

Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes.

The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis.

Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in the removal of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis and deficient mastication of food.

The first essential in treatment is gastric lavage.

Gastric lavage is carried out always before breakfast and in the severe cases at intervals during the day, before meals.

It is known that after gastric lavage for some weeks the secretion of hydrochloric acid frequently returns in adequate amount.

Later in the day the appetite generally improves.

If lavage is for any reason impossible, the next best substitute is the administration of a teaspoonful or more of sodium bicarbonate in a tumblerful of warm water in the morning and again before meals throughout the day.

Exercise 16. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms of Participles. Translate them into Russian.

The patient (to survive) the operation well, the danger of peritonitis was eliminated.

Cholecystitis is known to occur rarely in isolated condition, inflammatory process both in the intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts, sometimes with the involment of the liver (to aassociate) with it.

The biochemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes, they (to result) from the effect of toxic substances in the liver.

Recovery is achieved by surgical treatment, it (to follow) by prolonged antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy.

My friend (to suffer) from a severe toothache, I advised him to go to the dentist.

Exercise 17. Translate into English:

Когда была сделана срочная операция по поводу гангренозного аппендицита, у больного были сняты все болезненные симптомы.

Когда обильное желудочное кровотечение было остановлено, была устранена опасность для жизни больного.

Так как нарушения пищеварения присутствовали длительное время, пациенту назначили строгую диету, несодержащую жиры.

Когда врач пальпировал печень, болезненность отмечалась на три пальца ниже реберного края.

Нарушения функций печени и жёлчных протоков часто обнаруживаются после заболеваний желудочно-кишечных заболеваний, причём проявляется чаще всего гастрит.

Так как наружное кровотечение было сильным, больного немедленно отвезли в больницу.

Иногда желчнокаменная болезнь сопровождается осложнениями, причем развитие холецистита является наиболее частыми.

После того, как хирург обнаружил опухоль в надчревной области, была назначена срочная операция.

Так как оставалось еще полчаса до операции, пациента еще раз осмотрел врач.

Если прободная язва двенадцатиперстной кишки сопровождается обильным кровотечением, срочно назначают операцию.

Exercise 18. Speak about:

Acute gastritis.

Chronic gastritis.

Cardinal symptoms of them.

Treatment of Acute gastritis and Chronic gastritis.


1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due … a great variety of causes.

a. from

b. to

c. on

d. in

e. off

2. Common varieties in practice are the result of indiscretions in food or alcoholic drinks; but contaminated food, “chill" and scarlet fever in … acute stage may also induce very acute gastric catarrh.

a. its

b. it’s

c. her

d. his

e. your

3. The inflammation may … downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis. The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is vomiting and when enteritis is superadded diarrhea also supervenes.

a. spreads

b. spread

c. is spreading

d. to spread

e. to be spread

4. Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means … disease.

a. frequent

b. common

c. general

d. infrequent

e. rare

5. It is important to treat this disease in as early a stage as possible, not only for the immediate disabilities which arise but still more for the serious consequences such as…, which may possibly result from it.

a. oleoma


c. myolipoma

d. dentinoma

e. carcinoma

6. Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in … of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis (especially pyorrhea) and deficient mastification of food (from bad habits or lack of teeth).

a. the removal

b. the insertion

c. the resection

d. the implantation

e. the grafting

7. The prime causes favoring continuation of the disease…, the first essential in treatment is gastric lavage carried out always before breakfast and in the severe cases at intervals during the day, before meals.

a. have been removed

b. has been removed

c. having been removed

d. to have been removed

e. had been removed

8. Treatment by …is continued until improvement is manifest when its use can be gradually discontinued.

a. lavement

b. lavation

c. irrigation

d. ablution

e. lavage

9. If lavage is for any reason impossible, the next best substitute is the administration of a teaspoonful or more of … in a tumblerful of warm water in the morning and again before meals throughout the day.

odium benzoate

b. sodium chloride

c. sodium fluoride

d. sodium bicarbonate

e. sodium sulfate

10. …is so commonly greatly diminished or absent in an untreated case of chronic gastritis that some effort is generally made to remedy the deficiency.

a. Hydrocyanic acid

b. Hydrochloric acid

c. Hydroiodic acid

d. Hydrosulfuric acid

e. Hydroxyacetic acid

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