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G A S T R I T I S Pre-text exercises

Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Catarrh [kә ´ta:]

Catarrhal [kә ´ta:l]

Indicreation [indis ¢kre∫әn]

Enteritis [entә ¢ raitis]

to superadd [s(j)u:pәr¢æd]

to supervene [s(j)u:pә¢vi:n]

pyorrhea [ paiә ´ riә]

diminution [dimi¢ nju: ∫әn]

lavage [´lævidʒ]

favour [´feivә]

Bicarbonate [bai 'ka:bənət]

Sodium [soudiəm]

Tumblerful ['tmbləful]

Adequate [' ædikwət]

Anorexia [ænə 'reksiə]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Catarrh – катар

Catarrhal – катаральное воспаление

Indicreation – неблагоразумный поступок, нескромность

Enteritis – энтерит

to superadd – добавлять сверх (чого-либо); дополнять

to supervene – прибавлять, дополнять

pyorrhea – выделение(истечение) гноя

diminution – уменьшение, сокращение

lavarge – лаваж, промывание, орошение

favour – поддерживать, благоприятствовать

Bicarbonate – двууглекислый

Sodium – натрий

Tumblerful – полный стакан

Adequate – соответствующий, достаточный

Anorexia – анорексия (отсутствие аппетита)

Throughout – по всему, повсюду

Exercise 3. Find the stem in the following words. Point out prefixes and suffices.

Excitement, scientific, triumphantly, source, aching, typhoid, cholera, disappear, survival, restless, sleepy, post-operative, doubtful, removal, midline, mucous, perfusion, curettage, avoidance, illegal, warning, blindness

Exercise 4. Form nouns from the given words with the help of the given suffices. Give some more examples of your own. Translate them into Russian.

-ness: weak, ill, polite, like…

-ment: develop, require, measure …

-ion(ation): examine, incise, oblige …

-al: remove, revive, arrive …

-ty(ity); ety(ity): cruel, stupid, artificial…

-ship: comrade, relation, ownership …

-ing: begin, feel, greet …

-ance(ence): differ, important, absent …

-hood: brother, child, mother …

-th: wide, deep, long …

Exercise 5. Form words with the help of negative prefixes:

Comfort, advantage, appear, fortunately, eatable, dependence, ability, patience, proper, logical, regularity, reversible, solve, proper, comfort, order, depend, dramatic, desirable, connect, possible, responsible, valid.

Exercise 6. Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones. Use them in sentences of your own.

catarrhal gastritis

indiscretions in food or alcoholic drinks

contaminated food

serious consequences

mastication of food

excessive secretion of mucus

absence of hydrochloric acid

essential in treatment

gastric lavage

administration of a teaspoonful

a tumblerful of warm water

in adequate amount

in chronic patients

Bad dietary habits

the next best substitute

Exercise 7. Match medical terms with the proper definitions:

1. Diarrhea   2. Enteritis   3. Anorexia     4. Diet   5. Mucus 6. Gastritis     7. Lavage 8. gastroenteritis 9. gastric juice 10. secretion   1. Washing out a body cavity, such as the colon or stomach, with water or a medical solution. 2. Inflammation of the small intestine, usually causing diarrhea. 3. Inflammation of the stomach and intestine. It is usually due to acute infection by viruses or bacteria or food-poisoning toxins and causes vomiting and diarrhea. 4. Frequent bowel evacuation or the passage of abnormally soft or liquid feces. 5. Inflammation of the lining (mucosa) of the stomach. 6. The liquid secreted by the gastric glands of the stomach. Its main digestive constituents are hydrochloric acid, mucin, rennin, and pepsinogen. 7. The mixture of foods that a person eats. 8. A viscous fluid secreted by mucous membranes. 9. Loss of appetite. 10. The process by which a gland isolates constituents of the food or tissue fluid and chemically alters them to produce a substance that it discharges for use by the body or excretes.

Exercise 8. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the sentences with Absolute Participle Construction.

In acute cholecystitis an attack of pain is usually preceded by physical and mental overstrain, sharp physical movements or abnormalities in diet, fatty food and alcohol being responsible for the onset of pain.

Of the total number of the patients forty-eight have been relieved of digestive symptoms, four having died of other pathologic condition.

Three patients have had symptoms of recurrence, one having died of a gastro-intestinal bleeding.

Pain may radiate to the right shoulder, right arm, sternum, and lumbar area, its intensity depending on the form of cholecystitis and the patient’s sensitivity.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers having been proved to result from disturbances in the central nervous system, the corticovisceral theory of pathogenesis of ulcer was developed.

Exercise 9. Read and translate the text:

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