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B) Get together with another student. Listen to his/her reading of the exercise. What recommendations would you give to correct any mispronunciations?

2. Read the following words observing: a) two primary stresses; b) the secondary and the primary stress; c) a primary stress:

a) self-righteous [‘self’rai7qs], nevertheless [,nevqDq’les], uninteresting [0n’intristinn], uncounted [‘0n’kauntid], unauthorised [‘0n’O:Tqraizd], unsympathetic [‘0n,simpq’Tetik], undignified [0n’dignifaid], unmerited [‘0n’meritid];

b) disposition [,dispq’ziS(q)n], imagination [i,ma8i’neiS(e)n], expedition [,ekspi’diS(q)n], concentration [,kOntsqn’treiS(q)n], execution [,eksi’kj9S(q)n], illumination [i,lj9mi’neiS(q)n], vegetation [,ve8i’teiS(q)n], energetic [‘enqr’8etik], disobedient [‘disO’bidient];

c) ungovernable [0n’g0vqnqbl], unwarranted [‘0n’wOrqntid], unrivalled [0n’raivqled], forfeited [‘f%fitid], satirise? [‘s1taiiqraiz], characterise [‘k1riktq’raize], fortify [‘fOrti’fai], privilege [privili8].

3. a) Read out aloud the following word combinations and phrases paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connected speech (all types of assimilation, the linking "r", all kinds of plosions, etc.):

on the seemingly frivolous ground; older and wiser and better people; seemed the veriest nonsense; the dramatic part; he felt entitled to know; you said there couldn't possibly be; you are in disgrace; he felt perfectly capable; in the first place; and consign them; bare and cheerless; hidden behind the trees; were in a tight corner; quaint twisted candlesticks in the shape of snakes; behind the sheltering screen; the gooseberry garden; while the wolves feasted on the stricken stag.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 330 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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