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IV. Rewrite and translate the following inscriptions on the chart. 1. Depths are in metres and are reduced to CHART datum, which is approximately the level of the Lowest Astronomical Tide

1. Depths are in metres and are reduced to CHART datum, which is approximately the level of the Lowest Astronomical Tide.

2. Heights are in metres. Underlined figures are drying heights in metres and decimetres above Chart Datum; all other heights are above Mean High Water Springs.

3. Because of strong currents and a high density of traffic, the Turkish authorities most strongly advise pilotage for vessels transiting Istanbul Boğazi (the Bosporus).

V. Translate part of the dialogue by VHF into English. Rewrite the whole dialogue:

A.: Newport Radar Station. Говорит v/m North Star. X-Ray, X-Ray, Romeo, Oscar. На канале 16. Приём.

В.: Теплоход North Star. This is Newport. Перейдите to channel 12. Over.

A.: Newport. Говорит т/х North Star. Agree. Channel 12. Приём.

B.: M/v North Star. This is Newport. How do you read? Приём.

А.: «N». Говорит m/v «N.S.». Cлышу отлично. Over.

В.: M/v “N.S.”. This is “N”. Read five. Приём.

А.: «N». Говорит «N.S.». Information. Мой двигатель вышел из строя. I am disabled. Question. How can I get tug-boats to tow my vessel into the port? Приём.

B.: «N.S.». Говорит «N». Получена информация. Ваш двигатель out of action. Ответ. You need tug-boats. Reason. Отбуксировать судно into the port. Question. What are your ship’s характеристики?

A.: «N». Говорит “N.S.”. Readback is correct. Ответ. My ship’s характеристики: ship type – bulker, length – 130 метров, ширина – 28 метров, осадка – 8 метров, водоизмещение 150000 тонн. Information. Tugs will meet вас, координаты – буй ДС, time – 1400 hours LT. Over.

B.: “N”. This is “N.S.”. Readback is correct. Roger. Информация. Буксиры встретят нас в координатах – буй ДС, время – 1400 местного времени. Over.

А.: «N.S.». Говорит «N». Readback is correct. Nothing more. Out.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 175 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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