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I. Rewrite and translate the following text. Get ready to comment on it. 1. Wolf Rock (49° 57' N 5о 48' W) lies 8miles SW of Land's End; it dries 3-4m

1. Wolf Rock (49° 57' N 5о 48' W) lies 8miles SW of Land's End; it dries 3-4m. and is nearly awash at MHWN. Deep water extends to within 1 cable all round the rock. Jag rocks, a group of rocks, two of which are 96feet high, lie about 4 ½ miles east-north-eastward of Old Mans Point. The middle and largest Trio islet, 277feet high, lies about 3miles east-south-eastward of Halfway point, the other two islets lie half a mile northward and southward.

2. Anchorage. Vessels waiting to enter the harbour may anchor in a convenient depth S of the harbour entrance on a sandy bottom, but should avoid anchoring inside the 10m contour W of a line drawn 180° from Spit Point, 1/2 mile SW of the harbour entrance, where the bottom is rocky.

3. Lights. S. light (Lat28° 28'N., Long 16° 14'W.) is exhibited, at an elevation of 28feet (8m5), from a dark grey hexagonal tower, 21feet (6m4) in height, situated on the root of M. This light is difficult to distinguish at a distance owing to numerous powerful lights on the mole. The lighthouse is connected with the telephone system for life-saving purposes. A green neon vertical strip light is occasionally exhibited from a mast, 14feet in height, situated on the head of this wharf, and another green yellow light is occasionally exhibited near the root of the wharf, when it is in use by a ferry.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What purpose does a light serve in navigation?

2. Why should a sharp look-out be kept in dangerous areas?

3. What do cardinal marks indicate? Describe their shape and colour.

4. What do the Customs Officers come aboard the ship for?

5. How is the ship hove into her berth?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Капитан приказал палубному матросу сделать промеры глубин.

2. Суда, заметившие навигационные опасности, должны предупредить все суда по радио.

3. Вы будете осуществлять проводку судна до самого причала? – Нет. Портовый лоцман сменит меня на траверзе маяка N.

4. Вам необходимо заполнить бланк декларации, в которой указываются все облагаемые пошлиной грузы.

5. По прибытии в порт санврач проверил наши документы: санитарное свидетельство, удостоверения о дератизации и дезинфекции, и выдал разрешение на свободную практику.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 192 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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