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I. Rewrite and translate the following text. Get ready to comment on it. 1. Cautions. In strong W gales, the whole area between the outlying rocks off Noirmont Point is a confused mass of breakers; marks at sea level

1. Cautions. In strong W gales, the whole area between the outlying rocks off Noirmont Point is a confused mass of breakers; marks at sea level, the beacons marking rocks may be obscured by driving spray.

When navigating the passages leading through the reefs, particular attention should be paid to the following: the height of tide, as some of the recommended tracks pass close to or over shallow patches; the strong set of the tidal streams across the reefs in an E and W direction; the difficulty in identifying some leading marks in poor visibility and without local knowledge.

2. Two sets of leading marks mark N stretch of the channel; the inward leading marks (pole beacons; black and white bands) lie on the N side of the channel, 2 cables N of Seymours Post, and the outward leading marks (pole beacons; red and white bands) lie on the S side of the channel.

3. Directions. To approach the harbour, steer on the alignment of the leading light-towers, bearing 219°, which leads between the buoys and beacons marking the approach channel. The leading marks are not very conspicuous and care should be taken not to mistake the low white light-structure standing on the head of the S jetty for the front leading light-tower which is within the harbour. When within 2 or 3 cables off the harbour entrance, depending on the height of tide, the leading marks will be obscured by the S pier and course should be shaped to enter harbour.

4. Anchorage. There is anchorage in Lymington Road in depths of about 7m., sand and mud, with Basket light-beacon bearing 326°, distant about 8 cables. There is better anchorage and less tidal stream here than in Garmout Road on the opposite coast. Anchorage is prohibited in Lymington River.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What are lateral marks used for? What is the shape and colour of lateral marks (Regions A and B.)

2.What lights are called “Navigation lights”?

3.Of what shape are lighthouses?

4.How does a ship start her contact with a shore radio-station?

5.What berthing information should be available before arrival at the port?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Обойдите этот песчаный мыс на большом расстоянии.

2. Примечания могут содержать сведения о том, что в данной местности буи могут смещаться в связи с изменением фарватера.

3. На какой высоте выставлен огонь с белой круглой башни? – На высоте 37 футов.

4. Суда, следующие с севера, должны пройти мыс Е. на расстоянии 3 мили.

5. В предостережениях на навигационных картах указываются границы якорных стоянок и мест, в которых постановка на якорь запрещена.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 187 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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