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Sum up what the text said about English shops

5. Read the following:

• this book this poster these postcards these shoes • Where is the nearest post office? round the corner at the end of the aisle Can I try the next size up?

6. Insert articles:

... book,... poster and... cards come to 10.20.

You have to get stamps at... post office.

Where is... nearest post office?

7. Use the verbs in the right form:

The fitting room (to be) over there.

It (to fit) me well and I (to like) it.

The cashier's desk (to be) just at the end of the aisle.

8. Insert prepositions:

Have you got size thirty seven... these shoes?

I'll have a look if we have size... these shoes.

It must correspond... British size five.

The nearest post office is just... the corner.

The cashier's desk is... the end... the aisle.

9. Complete and act out similar dialogues:

— Can I have... book... poster... And these posrcards and two... America.

— The book... 10.20. But... stamps.

— Where can I...

— You have to get...

— Where... nearest...

— Just...

— Thank...

— Excuse me, may I... anywhere...

— Yes, certainly. The fitting...

— Thank you. It fits... and... like... Where... pay?

— The cashier's... aisle.

— Cash or...

— Cash...

— Excuse me, have you got... shoes?

— This... continental... It must correspond... Just a minute, I'll have a look if...

— Can I help you?

—... served.

— Here is... How... feel?

—... tight. Can I try...

— Here is...

— Oh, this is much... Thank you. I'm...

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 389 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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