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Sum up what the text said about VAT

4. Insert articles:

Excuse me, may I have... look at one of... chains displayed in... window?

Just... minute.

Here is... calculator.

Just... length I wanted to have.

Here is your box and... receipt, please.

May I reclaim... VAT tax?

I'll consult... book.

5. Insert prepositions:

Where are you...?

Yes, you are eligible... the reclaim.

Please fill in this form. You'll give it... the customs.

Are you leaving... plane?

What should I do... this form?

Fill it in before you leave... the airport.

Have it stamped... the customs,... the airport.

In a month or so you'll receive a cheque... post.

Have it cashed... the bank stated.

6. Translate into English:

Могу я получить НДС обратно?

Что мне делать с этой формой?

заполнить форму

предъявить форму на таможне

поставить штамп на этой форме

опустить форму (конверт) в почтовый ящик

получить деньги по чеку в банке

ü конверт — envelope

7. Make sentences:

• I had the form two forms a few forms stamped at the customs
• I had the cheque cashed yesterday last week a month ago
• What should 1 do about this form this cheque this receipt

8. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

— Excuse me, may I... chain... window?

— Certainly... number...?

— It's 9...

— Just... Yes, here...

— And how long...?

—... inches.

— And how centemetres?

— Let me... calculator... I should multiply...

— Just wanted to have.

— And how much...?

— One hundred...

— Good. I'm... box. receipt...

— Excuse me, may I reclaim...?

— And... from?

— From Russia.

— Just a minute.... the book. Yes, you are eligible to...

— May I have... passport to fill...?

— Here you are.

— Here is your passport and the form. Please fill... before you give it to.. How are you leaving? By...?

— Yes, by.. And what should... form?

— Fill in this form before... and have it stamped... Then post... In a month,... at the bank...

— I see. Thank..

—... more than...

9. Translate into Russian:

VAT is usually incorporated in the price.

A rather big sum was reclaimed this time.

A rather small sum was reclaimed, to my mind.

The appropriate receipts and forms were issued.

I believe the envelope with the form stampted was properly posted.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 399 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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