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What is this job like?Economists do research. They prepare surveys to collect data and then figure out what the data mean. They also forecast how the economy might change in the future. Economists study topics such as prices, jobs, taxes, interest rates, and the stock market. Some economists study money and the banking system. Writing reports on their research is a very important part of their job.

Some economists work for Federal, State, or local governments. They help governments figure out policies related to taxes, trade with other countries, the minimum wage, and many other topics. Many economists work for banks, consulting firms, and other businesses. Economists often help them to figure out what to sell and at what price. Some work for themselves.

Economists work with numbers, charts, and computers. Economists have regular work schedules. They often work alone doing research. However, they also may be part of a team. Most must meet deadlines.

A master's or Ph.D. degree in economics is needed for many jobs. In the Federal Government, entry-level jobs require a bachelor's degree —about 4 years of college.

Courses in math, statistics, economics, and computer science are helpful. Learning how to write is also important because economists need to write reports.

What about the future?More economists will be needed in businesses to do research. Demand for economists should grow as a result of the increasing complexity of the global economy, additional financial regulations, and a more competitive business environment. As a result, demand for economists should be best in private industry, especially in management, scientific, and professional consulting services. But many people who use economics in their jobs will have other job titles.

(U.S. Department of Labor | Bureau of Labor Statistics)

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Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 999 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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