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ПРАКТИКУМ. Упражнение 1. Вставьте пропущенные слова

Упражнение 1. Вставьте пропущенные слова. Переведите текст.

Duties of Economists

Economists typically do the following:

- Research and 1 ……… economic issues

- Conduct surveys and collect 2 ……….

- Analyze data using 3 ………. models and statistical techniques

- Prepare 4 ………, tables, and charts that present research 5 ………

- Interpret and 6 …………. market trends

- Advise businesses, 7 …………., and individuals on economic topics

- Design policies or make recommendations for 8 ………… economic problems

- Write articles for publication in academic 9………… and other media sources

Economists apply 10 ……….. analysis to issues within a variety of fields, such as 11 …………., health, development, and the environment. Some economists study the cost of 12 …………, healthcare, or energy. Others examine employment 13 ……….., business cycles, or exchange 14 ………. Still, others analyze the effect of taxes, 15 ……….., or interest rates.


a) analyze e) levels i) forecast m) results
b) economic f) governments j) journals n) solving
c) data g) inflation k) mathematical o) products
d) rates h) reports l) education  

Упражнение 2. Восстановите текст BUSINESS IN JAPAN, подобрав соответствующие каждому абзацу пропущенные предложения из правой колонки. Переведите текст.

1. YAMATO, the ancient name of Japan, essentially means “big harmony”. To achieve such balance, Japanese society has refined a plethora (множество) of cultural traits: humility (смиренность), loyalty (преданность), respect and consensus. …….. a) The rigid (жёсткая) seniority system also discriminates against women: if they get off the ladder to have children, they cannot get back on.  
2. Such democratic virtues (достоинства) served the country well in the post-war period. But today they hold too many Japanese firms back. … ……… And there are few women and foreigners in senior roles, which narrows the talent pool. b) Their subordinates are reluctant to challenge (неохотно подвергают сомнению) ideas because that would cause the boss to lose face.  
3. At present, bosses rarely say what they think because it might disrupt (разрушить) the harmony, or be seen as immodest. ……... There is little risk-taking or initiative. Relying on consensus means that decisions are made slowly, if at all. c) Whereas American and European bosses like to appear on the covers of global business magazines, their Japanese counterparts are comfortable in their obscurity (в неизвестности).
4. The biggest problems lie in the labour market. Change jobs in mid-career and you risk losing your pension. …….. d) Firms do not give promising youngsters responsibility early on, but allocate (распределяют) jobs by age.

Упражнение 3.Деловое общение. Сопоставьте реплики телефонного разговора с их переводом:

1. Good afternoon. Celia Jewellery. 2. Hello, could I speak to Mr. Brown, please? 3. I’m afraid he’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message? 4. Well, yes, this is Michael Lawson from Oslo. There is a problem with an order. Could you ask him to ring me back as soon as possible? 5. Of course. What is the problem exactly? 6. Well, we placed an order three weeks ago for a hundred watches. I’ve just received a phone call to say that they’re stuck in customs. 7. That’s strange. We don’t usually have customs problems. We’ll have to contact our freight forwarding agent. I’ll ask Mr. Brown to phone them as soon as he gets in and then he’ll get back to you. 8. Thank you. Could he call me back before four o’clock today, please? 9. OK, yes. He’ll try to sort this problem out straight away. a) Три недели назад мы разместили заказ на поставку одной сотни наручных часов. Мне только что позвонили и сообщили, что наш заказ был задержан на таможне. b) Здравствуйте, могу я поговорить с мистером Брауном? c) Да, конечно. Он постарается сразу же решить эту проблему. d) Странно. У нас обычно не возникают проблемы с таможней. Нам необходимо связаться с нашим экспедитором. Я передам мистеру Брауну, что ему нужно связаться с ними, как только он придет, и затем он вам перезвонит. e) Добрый день. Компания Celia Jewellery. f) Спасибо. Пусть он мне перезвонит до четырех часов сегодня. g) Конечно. В чем точно заключается ваша проблема? h) Боюсь, его сейчас нет на месте. Могу я передать ему сообщение? i) Да, это Майкл Лосон из Осло. У нас возникла проблема с заказом. Вы можете передать ему, чтобы он перезвонил мне как можно скорее?

Упражнение 4. Поставьте реплики этого телефонного разговора в нужном порядке. Запишите диалог.

(J.- Jack; S. - Secretary)

1. S. Oh, sorry Mr Frost, I’m new here. Er… I’m afraid Mr Games is a bit busy at the moment. Could you call back later or would you like to leave a message?
2. S. Sorry, and who’s speaking?
3. S. O.K. I’ll contact Mr Games.
4. S. I’m putting you through now.
5. J. I’m afraid not. It’s urgent. Tell the boss that our new program depends on how fast we transfer money to Ottawa, and I’ve got some details to discuss.
6. J. Yes.
7. S. Mr Frost! Are you still there?
8. J. My! Don’t you know? It’s me, Jack Frost!
9. J. Hello, can I speak to the boss, please?
10. J. Thanks a lot!

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски в письме-предложении подходящими по смыслу словами. Перепишите текст письма и переведите на русский язык. Подчеркните вставленные слова.

We __ 1 __ you for your letter of March 23 from which we gather that you are __ 2 __ in “Sever” Biscuit Products. We have pleasure, therefore, in __ 3 __ our __ 4 __ price-list for this line. The prices are quoted net, no __ 5 __ being granted. You will receive three __6__ under separate __ 7 __. We trust our __ 8 __ will appeal to you and look forward to your __ 9 __ with interest. a) enclosing b) catalogues c) interested d) offer e) thank f) reply g) up-to-date h) discount i) cover

Упражнение 6. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

1. Dear Mr. Kennedy,
2. Yours sincerely,
3. Re: Proposal for Project
4. Samuel Kennedy 19 Heather Rd High Engineering Works Dublin 10, Ireland
5. John Doe Sobriety Co. Ltd. London, England May 10, 20…
6. We are glad to inform you that your proposal for the project has been reviewed and accepted. We would like to arrange a meeting with you to sign the agreement.
7. John Doe
8. We are eagerly looking forward to this project and are happy to have the opportunity to work with you.
9. cc: Project Manager

Упражнение 7. Переведите письменно предложения, обращая особое внимание на экономическую лексику.

1. We are sorry to report that some of the goods were damaged in transit.

2. Calling during low rate periods is a good way to save money.

3. The postal strikes caused considerable inconvenience to many firms, since most orders, invoices and means of payment are sent by mail.

4. Lloyd's has always been one of the best known financial institutions in the world.

5. Simply fill in and sign the attached request form.

6. The insurance company will send an inspector to assess the damage.

7. Our brand image keeps improving.

8. Enclosed please find a catalogue from the fair held in August 2014. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information

9. I was mislead by the wording of the advertisement.

10. Bulls as well as bears contribute to the activity of the market.

11. The wages they are paid are barely sufficient for them to live on.

12. The unemployment rate has gone up by 3%.

13. The Union leaders have called a strike. They are asking for a 5% increase in their salaries.

Упражнение 8. Сопоставьте этапы презентации и соответствующие им фразы.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 877 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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