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Point out the Subjective Participial Constructions and translate into Ukrainian

1) Through the window Florence was seen packing a suitcase.

2) In the evening Gertrude was found sitting on the porch of the neighbouring house.

3) One evening he was seen going into this very house

4) Some of the birds can be noticed sitting in the trees.

5) They were heard talking together.

6) Her footsteps were heard crossing the room.

7) A voice was heard calling his name.

8) Each day his short stout figure could be seen going along the corridor.

16. Point out Absolute Participial Constructions. Translate into Ukrainian.

1) Each of them being my friend, the news that they were engaged had interested me very much.

2) They sat out with the lantern, John telling his tale.

3) This question settled, the reunion was on again.

4) The last train having gone, we had to walk home.

5) Peter acting as guide, we shall easily find the caves.

6) Edwin was advancing through the undergrowth, his gaze fixed upon the ground.

7) Weather permitting, the football match will take place on Wednesday.

8) All the essays having been written and collected, the teacher sent the class home.

9) The classes finished, we went to have dinner.

10) The electrons move with various speed, their speed depending on the temperature.

17. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Absolute Participial Construction.

MODEL: As it was late, he bolted the windows. – It being late, he bolted the windows.

1) As the weather was unusually mild at that time of the year, we didn’t go skating.

2) After the sun had risen, we continued our way.

3) As it is rather cold, I put on my coat.

4) As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.

5) As it was a hot day, all of us were thirsty.

6) As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry.

7) As all shops were closed, we couldn’t buy anything.

8) When the work had been done, they went home.

9) When the house had been built, we got a new flat.

10) As the key had been lost, she couldn’t get into the room.

18. Point out the Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction and translate into Ukrainian.

1) Madge watched me as I sat there with my head drooping.

2) She was standing on the rock ready to dive, with the green water below inviting her.

3) She hurriedly left the room with her eyes red.

4) It was a lovely morning, with a keen breeze whipping the water.

5) The girl wandered away, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

6) The moonlit road was empty, with the cool wind blowing in their faces.

7) Then, with her heart beating fast, she went up and rang the bell.

8) I can't write with you standing there, Margery.

19. Translate into English using participial constructions.

1) Я чув, як він відчиняв двері.

2) Вона відчула, як він торкався до її руки.

3) Він спостерігав, як мама мила посуд.

4) Ми бачили, як вони повільно наближалися до нас.

5) Я чула, коли про нього говорили.

6) Мені надрукують цього листа.

7) Її помітили, коли вона переходила вулицю.

8) Оскільки ніч була темна, ми рухалися повільно.

9) Оскільки було дуже рано, я не міг знайти його.

10) Коли мій брат закінчив школу, моя сім’я переїхала до Луцька.

11) Написавши твір, вона почала виконувати інше завдання.

12) Оскільки стаття була важка, я не змогла перекласти її без вашої допомоги.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1098 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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