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Use the gerund of the verb in brackets. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1) He looked forward to _____ (to meet) his parents.

2) You can't be afraid of _____ (to hurt) unless you've been hurt.

3) But in fear of _____ (to recognize) she lowered her gaze.

4) So I see. You're good at _____ (to make) yourself at home.

5) He insisted on _____ (to send) him instead of me.

6) My sister would never leave without _____ (to see) me.

7) He showed no sign of _____ (to know) them.

8) I was annoyed at _____ (to interrupt) every other moment.

9) I've always liked _____ (to take) risks.

10) He hated _____ (to remind) people of their duties or _____ (to remind) of his.

11) In _____ (to discuss) the problem they touched upon some very interesting items.

12) The operator can set the machine in motion by _____ (to push) the button or _____ (to press) the pedal.

13) Do you mind _____ (to examine) the list?

14) He was good at _____ (to gather) mushrooms.

15) Raymond didn't like _____ (to call) Ray.


1) Are you interested 2) She apologized 3) They succeeded 4) Thank you 5) I am very good 6) We’re very excited 7) I am fed up 8) They insisted 9) He was sorry 10) I am very bad a) for forgetting my birthday. b) in working with us? c) for coming. d) in reaching their target. e) of waiting for him to call. f) for being late. g) on having the most expensive room. h) at remembering people’s names. i) about meeting the actors. j) at getting people to do what I want.

17. Put in the correct preposition.

1) My friend is good ___ playing volleyball.

2) She complains ___ bullying

3) They are afraid ___ losing the match.

4) She doesn't feel ___ working on the computer.

5) We are looking forward ___ going out at the weekend.

6) Laura dreams ___ living on a small island.

7) Andrew apologized ___ being late.

8) Do you agree ___ staying in a foreign country?

9) The girls insisted ___ going out with Kerry.

10) Edward thinks ___ climbing trees this afternoon.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 2577 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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