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Complete the sentences using complex objects with the infinitive

1) Ann advised me...

2) The official warned us not...

3) Let's...

4) I've never seen her...

5) You can't expect me...

6) My mother wanted me …

7) Have you ever heard...?

8) Well, I didn't actually see him...

9) I expect them...

10) Let him...

18. Paraphrase the following sentences using complex subjects with the infinitive.


MODEL: It's believed that John has arrived in London. – John is believed to have arrived in town.

1) It's said that he'll be one of the best students at our faculty in the nearest future.

2) It's known that Jack is good at painting.

3) It's believed that he's clever.

4) It's said that he is the best student in our group.

5) It's known that he has collected a large number of pictures bv Daly.


MODEL: It happened that his father came. – His father happened to come.

l) It happened that Mary was at home at this time.

2) It appeared that they were looking at her attentively.

3) It proved that his plan was a great success.

4) It happened that everybody had taken the problem seriously.

5) It seems that he is playing tennis.


MODEL: It's certain that the meeting will be held on Friday. – The meeting is certain to be held on Friday.

1) It was likely that he had hidden my magazine under his papers.

2) It was unlikely that she would accept their invitation.

3) It's sure that my parents will come to see me at Christmas.

4) I think it's likely that Peter will make that mistake.

5) It's unlikely that he'll come and see us soon.

19. Rewrite these sentences using the structure with for … to …

MODEL: She can't come. - It's important for her to come.

1) The meeting needn't start before eight. (There's no need for the …)

2) The postman ought to come. (It's time for …)

3) He's not usually late. (It's unusual for …)

4) I want the children to go to a good school. (I'm anxious for …)

5) John shouldn't go to Australia. (It's a bad idea …)

6) Sue shouldn't change her job just now. (It would be a mistake …)

7) Can Paul come to the meeting? (Is it possible …?)

8) The car really should have regular services. (It's important …)

9) He normally stays up late on Saturdays. (It's normal …)

10) I'd be happy if you took a holiday. (I'd be happy for …)

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