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Ex.2. Find the English equivalences in the text

1. обращаться к людям; 2. по имени; 3. с другой стороны; 4. за исключением особых случаев; 5. в знак уважения; 6. определенные профессии; 7. поймать взгляд; 8. Ваша Светлость; 9. Ваша Честь; 10. называть по имени.

Ex.3. How would you address the following people?

  1. your aunt Marry Smith
  2. a friend of your own age (Sandra Perl)
  3. Sandra’s father/mother
  4. a university professor PhD (Tom Smith)
  5. a stranger
  6. your teacher
  7. your doctor (George East)
  8. Director of the company you work for
  9. an older colleague (Paul Brown)
  10. an elderly woman in the street

Ex. 4. Suggest a suitable form of address.

  1. “… could you tell me the quickest way to the railway station?” (to a stranger).
  2. “… it hurts here…” (to your doctor Alan Price during the examination)
  3. “How nice to see you again, …” (to an old friend of yours)
  4. “Will you come in and sit down, …. Mrs. Green will be with you in 5 minutes.” (a visitor, Michael Black)
  5. “…, I have great pleasure in introducing Professor Robinson from Chicago University" (to an audience)

Ex. 5. Introduce the following people to each other.

  1. a fellow-student to your mother;
  2. a guest professor to his audience;
  3. yourself to a group of students;
  4. a friend of your age to an elderly lady at the party;
  5. a colleague (Robert Brown) to your husband/wife;
  6. your brother to the director of your company, you want him to get a job with the company.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 754 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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