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The gerund is used as a prepositional object

to accuse of – обвинять в to aim at – стремиться к to approve of – одобрять что-либо to charge with – обвинять в to complain of – жаловаться на to depend on – зависеть от to feel like – испытывать желание to give up – бросать to insist on – настаивать на to look like (raining) – похоже, что… to object to – возражать to rely on – полагаться на, доверять to suspect of – подозревать в to thank for – благодарить за to think of – думать об to agree to – соглашаться с чем-либо to succeed in – преуспевать в чем-либо, удаваться to persist in – упорствовать, упорно продолжать to prevent from – мешать, препятствовать   to look forward to – смотреть в будущее, ждать с нетерпением

Do you feel like going out this evening?

Dave insisted on helping me.

He apologized to Sue for being rude to her.

I don’t approve of their watching a lot of TV.

to be + adjective (or P II) + preposition + -ing

The gerund is used as a prepositional object.

to be accustomed to – быть привыкшим к, приученным к

to be aware of – знать, сознавать, отдавать себе полный отчет в

to be capable of – быть способным на

to be engaged in – быть вовлеченным в, заниматься чем-либо

to be fond of – любить что-либо, кого-либо

to be good at – быть способным, умелым, искусным в

to be guilty of – быть виновным, виноватым

to be indignant at – возмущаться, негодовать

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-либо

to be pleased at – радоваться, испытывать удовольствие от чего-либо

to be proud of – гордиться чем-либо

to be responsible for – отвечать за, быть ответственным за

to be suitable for – быть подходящим для, годным для

to be sure of – быть уверенным в чем-либо

to be surprised at – удивляться чему-либо

to be tired of – быть уставшим от чего-либо

to be used to – привыкнуть к чему-либо

She is not capable of doing the work.

Are you interested in collecting coins?

We are all tired of listening to his complaints.

I am not accustomed to sleeping during the day.

Expressions + -ing

It’s no use, it’s no good – бесполезно, совершенно не нужно

There’s no point in – не имеет смысла

It’s (not) worth – (не) стоит, (не) заслуживает

to have difficulty (in) – столкнуться с трудностями, испытывать проблемы

I can’t (couldn’t) help – не могу не (не мог не)

can’t stand – не выносить кого-либо, не выдерживать что-либо

can’t bear (inf. also possible) – не переносить что-либо

We use -ing after:

a waste of money – пустая трата денег

a waste of time – пустая трата времени

to be busy – быть занятым

to go swimming/ go fishing (after go for activities) – заниматься плаванием/ходить на рыбалку

There is no point in persuading him.

I couldn’t help being late. My train was delayed by fog.

I can’t stand being fooled down.

It’s a waste of money buying this dress.

She is busy translating the text.

-ing form and infinitive both possible

a) Without any difference.

to attempt – пытаться, пробовать to begin – начинать to start – начинать to intend – намереваться, иметь ввиду to propose – предлагать to continue – продолжать to bother – надоедать, беспокоить

It began raining. or It began to rain.

But the verbs of knowing and understanding are better in the infinitive.

I began to understand ( no alternative ).

b) The gerund is used for habits and past actions.

The infinitive is used for future and conditional actions.

to like – нравиться to love – любить to hate – ненавидеть to remember – помнить to regret – сожалеть to prefer – предпочитать

I like climbing (habit). I would like to climb the top of this mountain.

I hate getting up early. I would hate to spend the night alone in the woods.

I remember seeing it on the notice-board. I must remember to post the letter.

c) With important difference of meaning.

go on + -ing (continue) She went on talking about her illness for hours. stop + -ing (give up) I’ve stopped smoking. go on + to (a change to a new activity) She told me about her son and then she went on to talk about her other problems. stop + to (gives the reason for stopping) I stopped for a few minutes to rest.

Ex. 1. Choose the correct item.

1. She had the feeling of....

a. being deceived b. deceiving c. having deceived

2. It’s a waste of time... over trifles.

a. having argued b. having been argued c. arguing

3. My watch doesn’t keep good time. It needs....

a. having been repaired b. being repaired c. repairing

4. He mentioned... it in the paper.

a. being read b. reading c. having read

5. Is it worth while your... to convince him of being wrong?

a. being tried b. trying c. having tried

6. He insisted on... with a certain respect.

a. having been treated b. treating c. being treated

7. Father didn’t approve of my... the offer.

a. having rejected b. having been rejected c. rejecting

8. Many apologies for not... to your letter.

a. having replied b. replying c. being replied

9. She remembers... him the message.

a. having been given b. giving c. being given

10. I’m really looking forward to... all your news.

a. being heard b. having heard c. hearing

Ex. 2. Join the two sentences to make one sentence, beginning with a gerund.

Model: She’s a teacher. It’s hard work.

Being a teacher is hard work. / Teaching is hard work.

1. Capital letters are used to name geometrical objects. It is very convenient.

2. You are to classify these quadrilaterals. It requires the knowledge of some properties.

3. We are going to locate this point on the y axis. It will give us the first point on the line.

4. The student intends to divide a circle into a certain number of congruent parts. It will help him to obtain a regular polygon.

5. The base and the altitude of a rectangle are to be multiplied. It will give the product of its dimensions or the area of the rectangle.

6. Don’t argue! It’s no use. In a crossed quadrilateral, the interior angles on either side of the crossing add up to 7200.

7. Don’t deny this fact! It is useless. A square is a quadrilateral, a parallelogram, a rectangle and a rhombus.

8. You are going to divide a heptagon (a 7-sided polygon) into five triangles. Is it any good?

Ex. 3. Choose the right preposition. Make sensible sentences.

1. Are you interested 2. She is very good 3. He insisted 4. I apologize 5. The teacher is fed up 6. She succeeded 7. My friend is keen 8. Professor is looking forward 9. This student is not capable 10. His sister is tired on of to at in with for a. disturbing you. b. looking after the children. c. learning foreign languages. d. having more time for doing things he wants to. e. understanding this – its too difficult. f. answering our stupid questions. g. studying. h. considering his solution of the problem. i. doing sums. j. getting good education.

Ex. 4. Complete the sentences using a gerund as an attribute.

1. I didn’t very much like the idea of ….

2. What is the purpose of …?

3. She had no difficulty (in) ….

4. You have made great progress in ….

5. He was late, and he was afraid of ….

6. Can you imagine the pleasure of ….

7. He always produces the impression of ….

8. I am afraid you do not realize the importance of ….

Ex. 5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use the word in bold and other words to complete each sentence.

1. I’ll be happy when I can have a rest after exams.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-28; Прочитано: 562 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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