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Damage pain honour ground length saving

a. Under the _________ of the contract, you are obliged to repay the loan within two years.

The car was a reasonable price, but wasn’t in good _______.

b. It has been an ______ to work with you. I’ve been very proud of what we’ve achieved together.

She has an _______ degree in geography.

c. I have a terrible ______ at the back of my neck.

He took great ______ to ensure his quests’ stay was pleasant.

d. After the accident, it took her a long time to come to _______ with the fact that she would never dance again.

During his first _______ of office, the Prime Minister made many sensible decisions.

e. We need a person with relevant ________ to fill the post.

He wrote a book about his _______ whilst crossing Africa on foot.

f. The Vicar was a kind man, and did a lot of _______ during his life.

There is a wide range of electrical _______ on sale in our village shop.

g. The day return fare is only $12 – a __________ of $8 on the full fare.

Mrs Higgins’ house was broken into the other day, and all her _______ were taken.

h. Officers don’t live with ordinary soldiers. Their _______ are usually separate and more luxurious.

Interest rates have risen to 8.25 per cent, a rise of a _______ of a per cent.

i. For some reason, he was ashamed of his working class background, and went to great ______ to conceal the fact.

I can only swim one _______ of the swimming pool before I get tired.

g. Don’t sit on the grass. The _______ is still very wet.

I trust John. I have good _______ for believing his version of events.

k. The storm caused a lot of ________.

She was awarded four thousand pounds’ ________ in the libel case.

l. Two _______ were seen running away from the scene of the crime.

_________ has always been the time for rebellion.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 305 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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