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Обзорные упражнения

При выполнении этих упражнений следует иметь в виду, что существует достаточно много случаев, так сказать, «немотивированного» употребления артиклей или их отсутствия. Часть из них упоминалась ранее. Напомним здесь еще некоторые устойчивые выражения, употребляющиеся с определенным артиклем: in the morning (evening, afternoon), the day before yesterday, in the country, on the one (other) hand, on the whole, to play the piano (the violin), to tell the truth, to run the risk, to catch the bus (to catch a train), to listen to the radio (to watch TV);

употребляющиеся без артикля: at home, by tram (train, bus, air), on foot, by heard, by chance, by means of, in/on time, on sale, on credit, from morning till night и др.

Упр.1.1.8.a. Поставьте артикли a, an или the, где необходимо.


a. I don’t usually like staying at ____ hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at ___ very nice hotel by___ sea.

b. ___ tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice ___ week if I can, but I’m not ___ very good player.

c. I won’t be home for ___ dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after ___ work and we’re going to ___ cinema.

d. ____ unemployment is very high at the moment and it’s very difficult for ___ people to find ___ work.

e. There was ___ accident as I was going ____ home last night. Two people were taken to ____ hospital. I think ___ most accidents are caused by ____ people driving too fast.

f. Carol is ___ economist. She used to work in ____ investment department of ____ Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ___ American bank in ___ United States.

g. “What’s ___name of ___ hotel where you’re staying?”

“____ Imperial. It’s in ___ Queen Street in ___ city centre. It’s near ___ station.

h. I have two brothers. ___ older one is training to be ___ pilot with ____ British Airways. ____ younger one is still at ___ school. When he leaves ____ school, he hopes to go to ____ university to study ____ law.


a. Excuse me. Is there ____ post office near here?

b. A We haven’t got any money.

B It’s all right. I’m going to ____ bank.

c. My wife and I went out for ____ meal last night. ____ food was excellent. I don’t usually like ____ Chinese food, but ____ duck was superb.

d. Has ____ postman been yet? I’m expecting ____ parcel.

e. We’ve moved to ____ lovely house in ____ country. It’s got ____ views of fields and hills, and there’s ____ garden at ____ back.

f. ____ government without ____ strong leader will not produce ____ good policies.

g. ____ government has introduced ____ law to ban ___ sale of ___ air guns to ____ people under ____ age eighteen.


a. In my job, I do____ business with people from all over the world.

b. I’m going to do ____ shopping. Do you want anything?

c. I was late for ____ work this morning.

d. Can you keep ____ secret? I’m getting married.

e. He got ____ sack because he was caught stealing money.

f. It isn’t easy, but I think we’re making ____ progress.

g. I lost ____ control of the car and crashed into a wall.

h. Make ____ love, not ____ war.

i. If you make ____ promise, you must keep it.

j. When buying a house, you should take into ____ consideration how near it is to public transport.

k. He set ____ fire to his factory so that he could claim the insurance.

l. You must make ____ effort to get to know your neighbours.

m. I’ve been to all the countries of Europe with ____ exception of Albania.

n. If you’re in Paris, take ____ opportunity to visit the Louvre.


a. ____ fog was so thick that we couldn’t see ____ side of ___ road. We followed ___ car in front of us and hoped that we were going ___ right way.

b. I don’t know what ____ price ___ owners are asking. But Dry and Rot are ___ agents. You could give them ___ ring and make them ___ offer.

c. ___ day after ___ day passed without ___ news, and we began to lose ___ hope.

d. “Would you like to hear ___ story about ___ Englishman, ___ Irishman and ___ Scotsman?”

“No, I’ve heard ____ stories about ___ Englishmen, ___ Irishmen and ___ Scotsmen before and they are all ___ same.”

“But mine is not ___ typical story. In my story ___ Scotsman is generous, ___ Irishman is logical and ___ Englishman is romantic.”

“Oh, if it’s ___ fantastic story. I’ll listen with ___ pleasure.”


a. ____ worry about ____ state of his finances drove him to ____ despair.

b. He sauntered down ____ streets without ____ worry in ____ world.

c. ____ main worry of ___ most people is ____ good health.

d. ____ news is just coming into ____ studio of ____ fire at ____ home of Mr Paul Beaston, ____ film Director.

e. I can’t wait to go on holiday. ____ sea, ____ sand and ____ books - that’s what I want.

f. I went to ____ theatre last night and saw ____ great play. I thought it was good, anyway, but I read in ____ papers this morning that ____ critics had slammed it.

g. ___ Paris of ___ 1980’s is nothing compared to ___ Paris of ___ 1968.

h. She was appointed ___ President of ___ National Union of ___ Printworkers.

i. ___ last year has been good for business.

j. ____ last year was good for business.

k. I decorated ___ children’s bedroom as fast as I could. In ___ week, I had finished.

l. I haven’t got time to phone him at the week-end. I’ll do it in ___ week.


a. ____ temperature varies with ____ pressure.

b. ____ scientists believe to have discovered ____ new compound.

c. ____ holes were spaced at ____ 10 foot intervals.

d. ____ reaction is similar to that observed by us.

e. In 1812 Berzelius advanced ____ theory of ____ chemical combination.

f. No sooner had ____ reaction stopped ____ precipitate turned black.

g. Such ___ stage is known as ____ “theoretical” stage or plate.

h. ____ compound II can be hydrolyzed to yield ___ free amine.

i. When being pure, ___ water is ___ colourless liquid.

j. ___ benzene is ____ stronger acid than ____ ethane.

Упр.1.1.8.b. Поставьте артикли a, an, the, или местоимение some, где необходимо.

a. There is ___ fly in ___ lemonade.

b. ____ youngest brother is at ____ school now.

c. ___ birds can fly very high in ___ sky.

d. ___ book on that shelf is ____ interesting one about ___ history.

e. It is pleasant to play ____ game of ____ tennis on ____ summer afternoon.

f. He makes ____ toys in the evening.

g. ___ butcher opposite ____ library always sells ___ good meat.

h. I am fond of ____ apples with ____ cheese.

i. ____ honesty is ____ best of all ____ virtues.

j. I should like to have ____ house in ____ country.

k. ___ car is ready.

l. Do you prefer ____ book of ____ poetry or ____ stories of ____ adventure?

m. Peter travelled in ____ third-class carriage with ____ Americans.

Упр.1.1.8.c. Поставьте a, an или one, где необходимо.

a. ___ of my friends advised me to take ___ taxi; another said that there was quite ___ good bus service.

b. “___ friend of mine lent me ___ book by Meredith. I’ve only ___ more chapter to read. Would you like ___ loan of it afterwards?”

“No, thanks. I read ___ of his books ___ few years ago and didn’t like it. Besides I have ___ library book to finish. If I don’t take it back tomorrow I’ll have to pay ___ fine.

c. Most people like ___ rest after ___ hard day’s work, but Tom seems to have ___ inexhaustible supply of energy.

d. I’ve told you ___ hundred times not to come into ___ room with ___ hat on.

e. You’ve been ___ great help to me; ___ day I will repay you.

f. My car broke down near ___ bus stop. There was ___ man waiting for ___ bus so I asked him for ___ advice.

g. He took ___ quick look at my car and said, “Buy ___ new ___.”

h. Most of the staff had been there for only ___ very short time, but ___ man had been there ___ year and ___ half, so he knew ___ little more than the rest.

i. ___ day a new director arrived. He was ___ ambitious, bad-tempered man, and the staff took ___ instant dislike to him.

Упр.1.1.8.d. Поставьте a, an, the или my, his, her, our, your, their, где необходимо.

a. ___ most of ___ stories that ___ people tell about ___ Irish aren’t true.

b. ___ married couple with ___ children often rent ___ cottage by ___ seaside for ___ summer holidays.

c. ___ men hire boats and go for ___ trip along ___ coast; ___ children spend ___ days on ___ beach and ___ poor mothers spend ___ most of ___ time doing ___ cooking and cleaning.

d. When ___ Titanic was crossing ___ Atlantic she struck an iceberg which tore a huge hole in her bow. ___ captain ordered ___ crew to help ___ passengers into ___ boats.

e. Everywhere ___ man has cut down ___ forests in order to cultivate ___ ground, or to use ___ wood as ___ fuel or as ___ building material.

f. But ____ interference with ___ nature often brings ____ disaster. ___ tree-felling sometimes turns ___ fertile land into a dustbowl.

g. ___ people think that ___ lead is ___ heaviest metal, but ___ gold is heavier.

h. You can fool some of ___ people all ___ time, and all ___ people some of ___ time; but you cannot fool all ___ people all ___ time.

i. Why are you standing here with ___ hands in ___ pockets?

j. At most meetings ___ people vote by raising ___ right hands.

k. The bullet struck him in ___ foot.

l. Someone threw ___ egg which struck the speaker on ___ shoulder.

m. He was ___ very tall man with ___ dark hair and ___ small beard, but I couldn’t see ___ eyes because he was wearing ___ dark glasses.

n. She pulled him by ___ sleeve to attract his attention.

o. He is ___ thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift ___ finger to help anyone.

p. We have a very good train service from here to ___ city centre and most people go to ___ work by train. You can go by ___ bus too, of course, but you can’t get a season ticket on ___ bus.

q. “I’d like to see ___ Mr Smith please.” “Do you mean ___ Mr Smith who works in ___ box office or ___ other Mr Smith?”

Упр.1.1.8.e. Исправьте ошибки, связанные с артиклями.

a. Jane, has anyone ever told you that you’ve got some lovely fingers?

b. I’m very interested in the history, especially the history of Western Europe.

c. What a lovely weather we’re having! It’s such a nice day!

d. We’re trying to sell our house. People came to see it on Saturday, and they were quite interested, but some people who saw it on Sunday morning were very rude and said they didn’t like it at all.

e. Did you remember to buy a bread while you were out at some shops?

f. Crossing the English Channel can be quite unpleasant in the bad weather.

g. People who live on the floor above ours work in a government ministry.

h. What’s the government going to do about the unemployment?

Упр.1.1.8.f. В 10 предложениях артикль the употреблен правильно, а в 10 - неправильно. Найдите неправильные предложения и исправьте их.

a. He lived in United States for ten years.

b. John has cut the leg and needs the stitches.

c. The camera I bought yesterday doesn’t work.

d. William Wordsworth is famous for his poems about nature.

e. It was first time I had crossed equator.

f. This is only one left but you can have it.

g. Frank does a lot of work for the disabled.

h. I will be visiting the Netherlands next month.

i. Society doesn’t care enough for old people.

j. This is the same film I saw last week.

k. The worst thing was not knowing exactly what had happened.

l. Harder we work, more money we make.

m. Smiths are coming round to dinner tonight.

n. The aeroplane is one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century.

o. It’s very disappointing news but that’s the life.

p. Eating the chocolate always gives me pimples on my face.

q. What is on radio this afternoon?

r. John plays the football very well.

s. The furniture was sold at auction.

t. He was sent to prison for life.

*Упр.1.1.8.g. Поставьте артикли, где необходимо.

a. What ___ strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home, and to find that every object I looked at reminded me of ___ happy old home which was like ___ dream I could never dream again.

b. ___ one thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was ___ existence somewhere in ___ east in ___ small city called Lycurgus … of ___ uncle, ___ brother of his father’s.

c. But ___ bed I made up for myself was sufficiently uncomfortable to give me ___ wakeful night, and I thought ___ good deal of what ___ unlucky Dutchman had told me.

d. ___ English of ___ 14th century differs from ___ Modern English.

e. ___ walls, down which ran ___ number and variety of ___ pipes and cables, were painted in two contrasting of green - dark up to ___ height of five foot, lighter above that.

f. ___ London train was on ___ point of ___ departure. It was yet ___ early morning, ___ hour of ___ milkmen and ___ postmen. ___ station had ___ chill, unused, deserted look; ___ passengers were few.

g. And now he was in ___ large bedroom overlooking ___ Thames, ___ chamber with ___ writing table, ___ sofa, ___ telephone, ____ electric bells and ___ massive oak door with ___ lock and ___ key in ___ lock.

h. ___ sun comes up from ___ East and goes down to ___ West.

i. Mr Skimpole could play ___ piano and ___ violoncello; and he was ___ composer, had composed half ___ opera once, and played what he composed with ___ taste. After ___ tea we had quite ___ little concert, in which Richard and Mr Jarndyce and I were ___ audience.

*Упр.1.1.8.h. В текстах поставьте артикли, где необходимо.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 630 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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