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How to avoid playing phone tag

Does the telephone play a dominant role in your life? Are you bothered by unnecessary phone calls, pushy sales people and obnoxious answering machine recordings? You are not alone.

In fact, inefficient phone practices waste more time in a day than just about any other office activity.

If you are looking for more control over your day, some simple techniques will help you save time and improve the image you project of yourself and your company over the phone.

Nothing can save you more time more quickly than learning how to avoid playing "phone tag". You know how it goes: you call your committee chairman and he's in a business meeting. He calls you back, and you've left for errands. You call him back, and he's at lunch. He calls you back, and you are tied up until three. He calls you back in the morning and you've taken your children to the dentist. Pretty soon you feel like giving up trying to reach anybody about anything.

Here are some ways to end phone tag:

1. BE PERSISTENT. If someone's secretary says, "He's not at his desk", or "She's in a meeting", reach further. Find out if the person can be reached on another phone. Or perhaps someone else can answer your question.

2. LEAVE SPECIFIC MESSAGES. If you call someone, and he or she isn't there, or you get a secretary, an answering machine or one of the new voice mail systems; never be content to say, "I'll call back later". Leave a detailed, thorough message explaining exactly why you are calling. Although it may be frustrating to have a secretary dictate a lengthy message, remember that both you and the person you are calling will end up saving time. Establish rapport with the secretary and ask her to verify the message you gave.

3. SCHEDULE SPECIFIC CALLBACK APPOINTMENT. If the person you're calling is out, find out when he or she will be back and leave a specific message that you will call back at that time. Treat the callback just like you would a regular appointment. By all means, call back when you said you would. You'll make the person aware you prioritize his or her time as well as your own.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-24; Прочитано: 311 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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