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Write to express, not to impress

"Put it in writing!" That's common expression around the office, and it's correct. In the business world, nothing really counts or is official until it's on paper. Yet our own writing or that of others is often incomprehensible. Or even worse, it sounds as if two computers were having a conversation!

Fortunately, bad writing can be cured. The first step to good writing is to recognise there is a problem and then follow a few easy guidelines. While much of the following advice no doubt will sound familiar to you, it's up to you to follow the prescription.

Here are some ways to improve your writing:

1.GET TO THE POINT. Put the conclusion at the beginning of your writing, not at the end. Don't make a reader or listener guess at the point of your message; get it up front. Here's a suggestion: ask yourself if you had but one sentence to use in your writing, what would it be? More often than not, that will be the bottom line.

2.WRITE IN A STYLE THAT COMES NATURALLY TO YOU. Write as though you were talking to another person. It's OK to use personal pronouns like I, you, we, she - they give your correspondence a human touch.

3.PLAN YOUR WRITING. Good writing rarely results from a blind plunge into the message. Your brain needs to see something on paper - or computer screen - before it can begin to organise the ideas. You don't need to plan? What if an architect built buildings that way!

4.REVISE AND RE-WRITE. Few people get it right the first time, so edit your own writing. It's the most important step to improving it. The best writers in the world continually revise their manuscripts. In fact, the design and revision phase of writing should take up 50 percent of the time you spend writing.

5.PRACTICE WRITING CLEARLY. The goal of communication is to be understood. Keep your sentence to 20 words or less. Why? Anything longer probably won't be very clear. In addition, use shorter, more common words. Why write "utilize" when you mean "use"? People are judged on the power of their ideas, not their long sentences and difficult words. Say precisely what you mean. Most of the time, a shorter word is more precise. A rule of thumb is to keep long words (three syllables or longer) down to 15 percent or less of the total words you use. There is nothing so complex that it can't be expressed clearly.

6.SAY WHAT YOU MEAN. This point relates quite nicely with using shorter sentences and words. Chop out all those low information content (LIC) words and phrases.

a majority of most
at the same time as while
utilize use
for the purpose of for; to
for this reason because
in connection with about
bringing to a conclusion conclude

Clichés are similar to LIC words and phrases, except their presence is more obvious and can be more damaging. Whereas LIC words and phrases impart a sense of vagueness to writing, clichés make the writer sound artificial, insincere or pompous.

Avoid using words and phrases like these:


"the bottom line is"

"enclosed herewith"

"last but not least"

"for your information"

"regarding the matter of"

"with reference to"

"you are hereby advised"

"as a matter of fact"

"we would appreciate it if"


¨ Pre-Reading Questions

1.What problems do people face when they are writing letters?

2.Why shouldn't you get hung up on grammar or vocabulary?

3.Is it really necessary to be informal in letter writing?

4.Which of the suggestions below is the most appealing to you?

5.How can people express their personality in letters?

6.Should we write like we talk? Why?

Дата публикования: 2015-01-24; Прочитано: 234 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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