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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. We have been in touch with (упаковочной компанией) and we have asked them to send a detailed report

1. We have been in touch with (упаковочной компанией) and we have asked them to send a detailed report.

2. (Автомобильный транспорт) is comparatively cheaper, but takes much time. In recent years (транспортировка) has greatly increased offering faster services and modern facilities.

3. We have to remind you that these new boxes must not under any circumstances be stored (в закрытом помещении) or (рядом с источником тепла).

4. (Части двигателя) have been wrapped in (водонепроницаемую) greased paper and packed into standard crates suitable for the type of equipment to be delivered.

5. The goods will be forwarded packed in special cases so as to avoid damage (в пути) according to your instructions, delivery by refrigerated lorry to your Leeds (склад).

6. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by (недопоставкой), which was due to (обстоятельств, независящих от нас).

7. The generators have been bolted into specially made crates and surrounded by (плотным набивочным материалом).

8. A copy of the (транспортной накладной) will be sent to you within a week.

9. Carriage by rail is preferred when transporting (скоропортящиеся) or (насыпные) goods.

10. We acknowledge receipt of your confirmation that your consignment should be sent (паромом и железной дорогой).

11. The amount (подлежит возврату) if you return crates in (приемлемом) condition.

12. The special (противоударная) packing will be charged at $5 per (грузовое место).

13. We regret that you did not receive the full consignment of (ножевого товара).

14. We are very concerned to hear that your packing instructions (не выполнены).

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 304 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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