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Role Play

2.9.2 Enact in English with roles on the theme "Detention of a Suspect in the Robbery", using Fig. 2.

Situation: By the operations report the police detained a person in the evening. He was found on the bank's roof near a vent-pipe. He was supposed to be waiting for his accessory/accomplice (співучасник) who had to break into a safe in the bank's storehouse and then to get out onto the roof through the vent-pipe. The accomplice of the robbery, who had got into the bank, managed to disappear through another exit. The police group pursues him/gives chase after him.

Play participants: John Winstain, police sergeant

Caroline Drag, policewoman

Mr Steven Crone, detainee

Taking part in the role play as participants, express your opinion and discuss possible actions, in particular:

a) Policeman John Winstain declares to the man that:

- he is detained and is considered/not considered under arrest yet...

- he (John Winstain) demands the documents identifying the detain­ee to be produced...

- he thinks/does not think immediate questioning is necessary...

- he thinks the detainee is to be under a severe system of discipline after the search and he can see the reason for it...

b) Policewoman Caroline Drag reminds the detainee of his rights, she wants to find out immediately the reason for his staying on the bank's roof at such a late hour and warns him of the senselessness of denial (заперечування) and intricating (заплутування) the police.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 387 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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