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Переведите следующие слова и выражения

Организационные ресурсы, определение, общее направление, проверять, достигать цель, оценить, участвовать, по отношению к, принятие решения, причина, нанимать, опыт, быть квалифицированным, руководить, определять, позволять.

Вставьте артикль где необходимо.

1. Management is... process used to accomplish organizational goals.

2. Organizing includes designing... organizational structure, attracting people to the organization.

3. He or she must also understand... kind of people who work in... industry and what motivates them.

4. Directing is guiding and motivating others to work effectively to achieve... goals and objectives of... organization.

5. Controlling is checking to determine whether or not... organization is progressing toward its goals and objectives, and taking corrective action if it is not.

Тест. Выберите правильный вариант.

1) Management is attractive to students because it represents….

a) authority, money, prestige, and so on;

b) to achieve organizational goals;

c) car, house, and so on.

2) The process used to accomplish organizational goals through planning, organizing, directing and controlling people and other resources is….

a) management

b) marketing

c) directing

3) Management could be called the.... of getting things done through people and other resources:

a) task

b) art

c) goal

4) There are…functions of management:

a) 5

b) 2

c) 4

5) What function of management includes anticipating future trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and objectives:

a) controlling

b) planning

c) organizing

6) Who gives directions to the organization, provides leadership, and decides how to use organizational resources to accomplish goals:

a) a marketer

b) a scientist

c) a manager

7) …is guiding and motivating others to work effectively to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.

a) controlling

b) history

c) management

8) How do goods differ from services?

a) Goods are products which people either need or want; services are activities which a group of people performs for another organization.

b) Goods are activities which a group performs for another organization. Services are products which people either need or want.

c) Goods is the synonym of service.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 380 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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