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My future profession. Today, our country tries to keep rapid pace of life in developing market economy

There are many interesting and useful professions. It is really not an easy task to make the right choice. I began to think about my future profession at the age of 15. I suppose, since childhood people should try to choose their way in life. If you want to be perfect in your trade, you need to pay more attention to special subjects, which will be useful to you in future. As for me, my favourite subjects at school were Mathematics and English. To become a good specialist in management and business one must know many sciences connected with business such as economics, marketing, management of personnel, advertising, promotion of goods, strategy of sales, statistics, history of economic theory and many others.

Today, our country tries to keep rapid pace of life in developing market economy. That’s why, our economics needs specialists in such new spheres of our economics as management and marketing. Management is a modern philosophy of business today. I think, it is very interesting to be engaged in management and marketing. Specialists of marketing or management are in great demand today in our society.

I've decided to get education in management, which will help me to get a well-paid and interesting job. I'll try to study to the best of my abilities, to accumulate knowledge, to develop management skills. It is very important for a specialist in business matters to be a skillful user of computers and to speak at least one foreign language. A foreign language opens the door to any foreign country, gives the possibility to communicate, to understand people and to be understood. The most popular language in the world, I think, is English. A real professional can not do without knowing a language, which can help in solving business matters, holding negotiations, making contracts.

In my opinion, my studies at the Institute will help me in getting deep knowledge and developing managerial skills all the time. I agree with the English proverb: it is never too late to learn.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 512 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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