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Тестовые задания к итоговому контролю за III семестр

Вставьте подходящий герундий, инфинитив, причастие или их обороты:

1.The student… the article asked to help him.

a) translate

b) translates

c) translated

d) translating

e) having translated

2. … his address I couldn’t find him.

a) Not knowing

b) Not know

c) Don’t know

d) Didn’t know

e) With out know

3.He is big enough … it.

a) understand

b) to understand

c) understood

d) understanding

e) understands

4. David left London without… anybody about it.

a) to tell

b) told

c) had told

d) tell

e) telling

5.They didn’t want… a professional pianist.

a) him be

b) he to be

c) he be

d) he being

e) him to be

6.You must listen to the English texts ….. in the language laboratory.

a) recorded

b) record

c) was recorded

d) recording

e) were recorded

7.……at the map of the world, you can see that water occupies the greater part of the earth’s surface.

a) Looking

b) Is looking

c) Looked

d) Looks

e) To look

8.If he text ……..to translate, he’ll do it well, I’m sure

a) is given

b) gives

c) gave

d) to be given

e) Given

9.The problem…… at the meeting is of great interest.

a) to discuss

b) discussing

c) discussed

d) was discussed

e) had been discussed

10.If I spoke quickly, you’d have difficulty……..

a) to understand

b) with understanding

c) in understanding

d) with the understanding

e) to have understood

11.Parents wants their children………

a) to be happy

b) be happy

c) happy

d) being happy

e) happier

12.She is said …… a good lecturer

a) been

b) to be

c) was

d) being

e) were

13.They saw a young man…….. in a business

a) dressed

b) was dressing

c) to dress

d) was dressed

e) is dressed

14.If you walk in the road without looking, you risk…….knocked down

a) have been

b) being

c) to be been

d) has been

e) having been

Вставьте подходящий герундий, инфинитив, причастие или их обороты:

15.He spoke of he important research work…….. on at the laboratory

a) Having carried

b) Carried

c) Having been carried

d) To be carrying

e) To carry

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 1308 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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