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Ex.5. Answer the questions. 1. Where did most people of Britain come from?

1. Where did most people of Britain come from?

2. Is Britain a cosmopolitan society, isn’t it?

3. What ethnic minority do the population in Scotland and Wales belong to?

4. What have people been coming to Britain for?

5. When was the greatest wave of immigration in Britain?

6. What river flows through the modern city?

Grammar: The Complex Subject.

The Complex Subject consists of a noun/ pronoun and the Infinitive: Laser is known to be used in medicine.

The Complex Subject is used with the verbs:

  1. The Infinitive in the Complex Subject is used in all its forms and expressions.

a) a simultaneous action: He is said to live in London.

b) An action in progress: The water seems to be boiling.

c) An action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb: They are reported to have finished the construction.

  1. The Infinitive in sentences with the Complex Subject cannot refer to the future except with the verbs and word-groups: to expect, to be sure/certain, to be likely.

We are sure to come to the heart of the matter.

He is expected to give us an answer tomorrow.

  1. If the verbs to prove, to seem/to appear are followed by adjectives or nouns, the verb to be after then can be omitted.

She proved (to be) clever.

He seems ill.

He appears an experienced teacher.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 567 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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